“The so-called ‘mysteries’ of a Person’s Dreams have always intrigued many who are unaware of what is actually taking place while a Person’s PhysicalBody is sleeping. The ‘dream’ idea was invented, just like ‘conspiracy theory’ by Those Who KONtrol Others-TWKO, as a means to keep unaware people and other body-types away from Knowing that their so-called ‘dreams’ actually refer to Another Dimension, a Portal, an Opening to Start to WakeUP to more than just the struggling&suffering as slaves in Creation. WHY would anyone want to stay unaware and Keep Reincarnating Here Again&Again for Nothing? Why… because unaware people have been indoctrinated to ‘think’ that there are ‘gods&saviors’ that will take care of them after this life is over. AnyOne can learn to meet their so-called gods in OtherDimensions who are actually Tricksters who created the BusinessWorlds and the CONtrivedSystems of Drudgery. UNawarePeople do not know they are Operating FiveBodies in This CreationBubble for The TruPurpose of a Complete WakeUP with ALLLife. The so-called ‘dream-body’ they are experiencing is actually known as the AstralBody that can be projected from the PhysicalBody, and unaware people ‘think’ this SecondBody is their soul. EveryOne can Learn to Seee what is actually taking place throughout ALL of Creation, as the ‘marketed Ideas’ from WorldKONtrollers is Not what unaware people ‘think’ it is. EveryOne can See for Themselves and Freee ThemSelves from ALL Creational Restrictions! It is understandable that unaware people usually cannot imagine or Seee anything more than what they have been MindFramed with. EveryOne has Their Own Unique ALLNaturALL IntuitiveSenses~IS, and as more people Learn to SeeeBeyond This CreationSimulator, there will be More Aware People who can Help Save This Planet Earth Now! SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ & BeMoreAware IS ALLNU & ALLNATURALL. Singing ‘NU~U~U~U’ Helps EveryOne Become MoreAware. While the PhysicalBody Sleeps Pay Attention to Your ‘IS~Visions’ as there are Always NUMessages that can Equal MorAwarenisss for You to Better WakeUP. ALLNATURALL IS REALLL. ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS~YOUR REALAWARENISSS. Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype & Join The NUSkype ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS~ISSS’ www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.net