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“What each person ‘knows’ is what they Know.  This is how what has been created in Creation has been created.  It has ALL been Created From Nothing!  What You Know is from what You have been Told & Experienced for YourSelf & The RealU.  As You, the PersonalYou, has been Created from another BodyPerson, You have Formulated Your Personal Consciousness according to what You Have Decided so far, and mainly along the lines of the ‘invented systems’ that have been created to Purposely Kontrol You&Everyone Here.  The NUNOW ALLLIFEIS is about Using Your ‘INTUITIVE SENSES’ to Freee YourSelf from ALL CreatedRestrictions.  With What IS ALLNATURALL there is NO Kontrol, and with what has been created to ‘appear’ to be something has been created as such to Kontrol&Restrict Everyone Here, and to have unaware people Stay UNaware of Their TruPotential That ‘IS’ FarMore ReALL than what can be imagined.  YourMind ‘ideas’ that relate to Your FiveSenses, such as Your EmotionalSensations, Your Memory, and Most Importantly, Your IntuitiveSenses, are in This CreationBubble Simulator that most ‘believe’ is Life ITSelf.  Creation is Not ALLLIFE and ALL the ‘authorities’ that unaware people look to are self-appointed & self-serving, and are Not interested with What IS ALLNaturALL.  Your IntuitiveSenses IS operating between the Five (5) PersonalBodies & The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, which IS ALLReady with ALLLIFE & REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS!  The Difference between what You Know with YourMind & The RealU IS… You have to Learn to Recogn’IS’e what else ThereIS besides just SelfRestricting Cause&Effect Creation!  Your PersonalMind is a Storehouse of ‘invented calculations’ that You ‘think’ are more real than ALLLife.  You Have Not Been Told that The RealU is Operating Your FiveBodies, one of which is seen as YourPhysical PersonalSelf, and the Other FourBodies are UnSeeen as they relate to the VariousFaculties You Use EveryMoment of YourLife Here.  What You Have Known so far is a ‘created simulated reality’ all its own like CyberSpace, and is Not the same as What ALLLIFEIS.  In other words… what you ‘think’ is Life is Not, and what You Do Not Know or Cannot Consider with Your PersonalMind, ALLReadyIS ALLLIFE!  ALLLIFEIS UNSEEEN by the personally unaware ‘mind relating’ people.  No one can consider What ALLLifeIS with TheirMind, because the MindBody that everyone uses while in Creation can only apply to Creation and Nothing Else.  ALL that is Known in Creation is ‘made-up’ and Not as it seems, no matter what a person ‘believes’ to be truth, faith, hope, or any belief system that is marketed as holy&divine.  This is ALL Created Stuff and Invented From Nothing and will Become Nothing Again!  Those who Learn to SeeeALLL with Their IntuitiveSenses will have The Great Opportunity to Supercede ALL of Cause&Effect Creation, and those who want to Stay TapLined by the ‘invented systems’ will go into the BlackHoles with This PhysicalRealm and Return into other bodies in future lifetimes.  No one can ‘figureout’ What ALLLifeIS no matter how well educated they are, because the educational systems only apply to Restricting DeceptiveKontrol.  With The TruReALLLity ALLLifeIS there are NO Authorities & NO Restrictions & NO Kontrol Ever!  As Each Person Decides TheirLife, they will be living what they have Decided, whether it be conscious or unconscious, Aware or unaware.  UNaware People & Other BodyTypes will continue into more lifetimes no matter what their masters&gurus & religious priests tell them.  Creation is Necessary as part of The RealWakeUP for ALL of US, and then the UnKnown TruReALLLity ALLLifeIS Must Be Recogn’IS’ed for What IT IS, aside from what IT IS ‘thought’ to BE!  With the IntuitiveSenses each person has, they can Learn to Seee&Compare the Difference between CreatedCreation & Their RealAwarenisss.  So, basically… What You Know is Not Real, and What You Do Not Know IS~REALLL!  Here IS the Biggest Challenge of Your Life, and that is to find out WHY You Came Here, and What You are Doing Here, and Where You are Going.  You&YU Came Here to FigureOut YourSelf and then eventually Recogn’IS’e The RealU.  This is WHY You came Here, and it was Not about how to ‘get a job’ and be distracted from The RealU and Your ENDlISSS FREEE AWARENISSS.  TAKE THE RISK & LEARN TO SEEE FOR YOURSELF!  CONTACT: DUANE THE GREAT WRITE*SEEER on SKYPE: DUANE HEPPNER for ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS’ duanethegreatwriter.net


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