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Art and Music


speedymjb speedymjb


Ten Rules Of The Road I Learned At My First Concert is one ordinary guy's saga of 160 concerts over the last 44 years: "From scalping tickets to catch Captain Fantastic at the height of his success to missing the opportunity to see Sir Paul close down Shea Stadium; from meeting one band in the middle of 43rd street to watching another play in a parking lot; from seeing a crowd throw objects at an amateur lead-in band to hearing two legends, Macca and Bruce, play "I Saw Her Standing There" - twice; from never seeing Van Morrison play "Someone Like You" to having him surprise us all with a rendition of "Send In The Clowns"; from attending a concert that never started to being at a show that we...

Hip Hop for Our Future

Better than Dr seuss Better than Dr seuss


 A very fun and easy reading compilation of hip hop style nursery rhymes  that promote positivity and confidence in children . For example   Page 1. , only a full will break the rules /.” I’m so cool because I go to school.!!! “ this a great group activity for family time reading at home or a school or libraries activities. It is fun to read again.   

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