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How Hollywood Got Sex and Life All Wrong

James Bruce James Bruce


This autobiography of James Bruce is the true story of my life written or told by me. The origins of the words literally mean a self-produced life story. My life experiences, the people I have met, and the places I have visited are included in this book. I have included my ancestry based on my research thanks in part to my parents’ memory of those facts and information that I was able to collect from the internet and family. Being an autobiography after an introduction of my folks it all starts with my birth and continues to present day recollections, all factual and true. Parts of this book included real stories that were inserted chronologically which I felt made this a fun and interesti...

Can I Come HOME Now?: A True Story of Childhood Trauma

Barbara Godin Barbara Godin


In this moving and painful memoir of growing up from age five to adulthood, the author paints a sad and all too familiar story of early sexual abuse from men whom she should have been able to trust that evolves into a shattered sense of self-worth, and ultimately her own dysfunctional and abusive marriage. The story relates how little Barbara came to be vulnerable to such trauma after the break-up of her family and being shuttled among various, not always willing relatives. She details the highly effective and shrewd tactics predators use to keep their victims under their total control. The unrelenting theme throughout is her constant longing for her mother's elusive love, always just beyond...

Raised by Wolves Trapped by Demons

Mimi Tallo Brier Mimi Tallo Brier


My first Book “Raised by Wolves, Trapped by Demons”Wrote a memoir about a woman that came into the world feeling unloved and unwanted at a very early age. Raised by an alcoholic father and a cold, detached mother, she must make her way in the world based solely on her instincts. A victim of childhood abuse, sexual and physical assault, she learns to accept the unacceptable in order to survive. A major pattern of self-destructive choices begins to emerge. A major portion of her life was spent uncovering, forgiving, and resolving that pattern. She still had decades to live before she would recognize what that pattern meant.is a compelling story of surviving of child abuse, domestic violenc...

Hair on Fire: A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir

Larada Horner-Miller Larada Horner-Miller


Tired of focusing on the stressful hustle and bustle of December? These delightful stories brim with Christmas nostalgia and heartwarming moments.Are you hoping to rediscover the magic of the winter holidays? Looking for traditional inspiration for your upcoming Xmas parties? Ever wondered what’s behind the twelve days of gift-giving? The daughter of a real cowboy, award-winning author Larada Horner-Miller grew up in a small rural community in southeastern Colorado. Now she’s using her seventy years of festive experiences to share the true meaning of the season and how to rejoice in its miracles.Hair on Fire is a compilation of poems, prose, and helpful scripture references all centered ...

Who is that Guy?

Guy Kemp Guy Kemp


                                              Who is that Guy?Guy’s life unfolds before you as he tells you all of the past 72 years of his life changing decisions. He was adopted at the age of four, with a new name, new family was it was just the start of his amazing adventures.He learned to handle the adversity of life head-on in many very surprising ways. The ping-pong ball draft,  Vietnam, Agent Orange effects, and cancer did not stand in his way of success.Many decisions had to be made quickly, some turned out to be right and some had to be adjusted over time to meet...

32 Jobs & No Gold Watch

Christine Deeney Christine Deeney


Embark on an extraordinary tale of 32 jobs, three marriages, and a lifetime of laugh out loud, yet invaluable experiences… In 32 Jobs & No Gold Watch, Christine takes readers on a candid and captivating journey through her life, offering an honest, heartwarming, sometimes heartbreaking, and often humorous memoir. The story begins with her as a 16-year-old girl, grappling with personal issues and embarking on an unusual and diverse work life, which eventually leads her to accumulate an impressive 32 jobs over the years. Now, facing retirement, Christine seeks answers to the question of why she navigated through such a myriad of job experiences. Was it influenced by her difficu...


Paul Armento Paul Armento


Two years ago my doctors said I would be lucky to live another 3 months, all due to 50 years of Cocaine and Meth addiction. So I decided to grow up, clean up, and write a book about how I had wasted a lifetime in what now seems like the blink of an eye. and how I turned it all around.

Love Changed Everything

wallacebriggs wallacebriggs


 The Bridges (Briggs) family struggled to escape poverty because of Albert’s ill health. The children were happy until they realised they were deprived of the pleasures their friends enjoyed. But love surrounded and encouraged them every day of their childhood lives. Their days were filled with good times and adventures.Eddie (the author), the eldest child of four, suffered at the hands of the bullies. But his father showed him how to stand up for himself. Albert taught his children that success could come even after multiple failures if they kept trying. But when he had a lung removed, he lost his job and their home. The family moved in with Grandma in her terraced house in the Colli...

The Man Who Thought He was Jesus



Jaw dropping memoir of how I grew up in organized crime and died twice within 6 months. As a child my father use me to help him in his organized crime business. At 4 years of age I was tormented by evil spirits. My friends gave me a nick name 9 lives and many say I was a ghost because no one could have survived so many things. This unbelievable story has helped so many people in prison, one chaplain said prisoners begin to cry and go to the chapel like never before.  

Love Changed Everything

wallacebriggs wallacebriggs

The Bridges family struggled to escape poverty because of Albert’s ill health. The children were happy until they realised they were deprived of the pleasures their friends enjoyed. But love surrounded and encouraged them every day of their childhood lives. Their days were filled with good times and adventures.Eddie (the author), the eldest child of four, suffered at the hands of the bullies. But his father showed him how to stand up for himself. Albert taught his children that success could come even after multiple failures if they kept trying. But when he had a lung removed, he lost his job and their home. The family moved in with Grandma in her terraced house in the Colliery village of ...

Tumbletite The Misadventures of a Mississippi Flyboy

Gressett Gressett


Tumbletite chronicles the 31-year flying career of a country boy from Mississippi. The author takes you along on a journey that took him from the backroads of Mississippi to the farthest reaches of the globe. The enlisted aircrew career fields make up approximately only two percent of the Air Force, Guard and Reserve total force. Johnny served in two separate enlisted aircrew career fields on two different aircraft. He spent 15 years as a C-141 Starlifter Flight Engineer and 16 years as C-17 Globemaster II LoadmasterI. Come along as he takes you through his initial training, first missions, activation for Desert Storm, on to Iraq and Afghanistan and beyond. With nearly 8000 hours in his logb...

Love Changed Everything

wallacebriggs wallacebriggs


Do you remember depending on gaslighting and gas mantles, lead/acid battery-powered wireless (radio) sets, hot water ladled out of the boiler heated over the coal fire, or tin baths hanging on a nail outside the yard, or outside toilets across the road, oven heated bricks in socks to serve as hot water bottles, a single cold water tap in the pantry? Those were the days!I spent the first forty years of my life in and around the villages of Brandon & Byshottles. I was recently prompted to write the true story of my life as a part of the Briggs family (Bridges in the book), who struggled at every turn to escape the poverty they seemed trapped in. The children were content with their lot unt...

Opposable Thumbs: How Siskel & Ebert Changed Movies Forever

Matt Singer Matt Singer


Once upon a time, if you wanted to know if a movie was worth seeing, you didn’t check out Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB.You asked whether Siskel & Ebert had given it “two thumbs up.”On a cold Saturday afternoon in 1975, two men (who had known each other for eight years before they’d ever exchanged a word) met for lunch in a Chicago pub. Gene Siskel was the film critic for the Chicago Tribune. Roger Ebert had recently won the Pulitzer Prize—the first ever awarded to a film critic—for his work at the Chicago Sun-Times. To say they despised each other was an understatement.When they reluctantly agreed to collaborate on a new movie review show with PBS, there was at least as much sparr...

Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America

Steve Inskeep Steve Inskeep


An instant New York Times bestsellerA compelling and nuanced exploration of Abraham Lincoln’s political acumen, illuminating a great politician’s strategy in a country divided—and lessons for our own disorderly presentIn 1855, with the United States at odds over slavery, the lawyerAbraham Lincoln wrote a note to his best friend, the son of a Kentucky slaveowner. Lincoln rebuked his friend for failing to oppose slavery. But he added: “If for this you and I must differ, differ we must,” and said they would be friends forever. Throughout his life and political career, Lincoln often agreed to disagree. Democracy demanded it, since even an adversary had a vote. The man who went on to be...

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