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Ancestry: How to Research Your Family History and Climb Your Family Tree

Dr. Trina Boice Dr. Trina Boice


https://amzn.to/4aiimFi Use These Powerful Genealogy Techniques to Immediately Begin Finding Information About Your Family Tree!You’re about to discover how to…Learn more about yourself when you learn about your ancestors! This book will help you know what to do with all of those old family photos sitting in a box and how to connect them to real names and dates.You’ll learn how to use popular and free websites to gather information and build your personal family tree. Find and meet living relatives who can help you research and share more information, including stories, photos, and vital documents.In addition to the helpful tips and “how-to” information, you will also be inspi...

There's A Baby in There!: A Kid's Guide To Understanding Pregnancy, Birth, And The Newborn

Ann Wrzosek-Manor Ann Wrzosek-Manor


What makes a baby become a girl or boy? How does a baby eat before it is born? What happens when a baby is ready to be born?The amazing story from the meeting of the egg and sperm through the journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and a new baby at home. A comprehensive, factual, and kid-friendly look at the adventure of adding a new member to the family.

600 Devils

Marjan Marjan


·       “600 Devils is a gripping generational drama about an emotionally dysfunctional truth seeker turned smuggler turned undercover operative. From the Alps to the Burmese jungle to a Senatorial chamber in Washington D.C., Marjan finds himself deeply impacted by smugglers, conmen, government officials and assorted holy men. This epic memoir is ready-made for a miniseries.” “Patrick Cook, Producer/Director

Fifty Flecks of Gold: Life Lessons for Those Who Lead

Kevin Cameron Kevin Cameron


Kevin Cameron lives and works in Australia, but has travelled all over the world conducting bands, orchestras, and choirs.  He has now published his first book – Fifty Flecks of Gold: Life Lessons for Those Who Lead.This is a very valuable little book.  It is not a self-help book or a system to make you wealthy – but it does have the potential to change you for the better, and to make your life rich. This is the book that I wish someone had been able to give to me when I was starting out. What a blessing it would have been! said Kevin.In Fifty Flecks of Gold, Kevin shares the most valuable and significant lessons about life and leadership that he has gathered ove...

Life Lessons Kids Should Learn Quickly

Brenda Diann Johnson Brenda Diann Johnson


    A child’s initial training ground to shape behavior starts at home. Parents are responsible for teaching their children manners, etiquette, social skills, rules and principles to interact with people and navigate through life successfully.   Unfortunately, all kids don’t get the same basic teachings because of various circumstances that exist in the home. No matter what misfortune kids face, respect of others, appropriate behavior in formal and informal settings and basic rules and principles are essential.   Social skills, manners, etiquette, rules and principles are important for every child, teen and young adult. In Brenda Diann...

The 20 life questions and answers to empower every teenager.

Abdurahman Kajumba Abdurahman Kajumba

Book overviewThe 20 Life Questions and Answers to Empower Every Teenager.Feeling lost as a teenager? Find Your Path with "The 20 Life Questions & Answers to Empower Every Teenager"!Confused by life, friendships, or your own emotions? You're not alone! This essential guide tackles the 20 BIG questions every teenager wrestles with, offering straightforward answers and empowering advice.Inside, you'll discover:Who you truly are and what makes you unique (Uncover your strengths, passions, and purpose!)How to navigate challenging friendships and build strong, supportive bonds.The secret to managing emotions (Learn healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress, anxiety, and anger.)Simple yet p...


speedymjb speedymjb


Ten Rules Of The Road I Learned At My First Concert is one ordinary guy's saga of 160 concerts over the last 44 years: "From scalping tickets to catch Captain Fantastic at the height of his success to missing the opportunity to see Sir Paul close down Shea Stadium; from meeting one band in the middle of 43rd street to watching another play in a parking lot; from seeing a crowd throw objects at an amateur lead-in band to hearing two legends, Macca and Bruce, play "I Saw Her Standing There" - twice; from never seeing Van Morrison play "Someone Like You" to having him surprise us all with a rendition of "Send In The Clowns"; from attending a concert that never started to being at a show that we...

MIND POWER: Unlock your Aspirations and Master Unbelievable Ambitions

Angelica Dalrymple Angelica Dalrymple


This transformative book liberates you from mental constraints that hinder your ambitions, spanning personal, social, relational, financial, educational, vocational, and emotional realms. With practical, straightforward steps, it empowers you to unlock your aspirations and achieve remarkable goals.  MIND POWER transcends limitations, propelling you towards optimal health, purpose and prosperity. By dismantling setbacks and negative realities, it unleashes your inner strength, allowing you to surpass perceived boundaries. This comprehensive, actionable guide is a life changing resource - your birthright. Read it, embrace it, and apply its wisdom to every facet of your existence. 

Never Give Up on your Dreams

PuleSir PuleSir


“What good will it do for you if you give up on your dreams? Will it improve your life or worsen it?”The reality is that there are challenges in life. These are challenges that will challenge you as you pursue your dreams. And whether you like it or not, you will face them.Whether you want to or don’t want to, you will face challenges that will challenge you and push you away from your dreams. They will delay and discourage you. And no matter how hard you try to avoid or run away from them, they will always find a way to reach you.I guess you are now asking yourself,“How can I achieve my dreams regardless of the challenges I will face? Will I succeed with my plans when there is so mu...

How Hollywood Got Sex and Life All Wrong

James Bruce James Bruce


This autobiography of James Bruce is the true story of my life written or told by me. The origins of the words literally mean a self-produced life story. My life experiences, the people I have met, and the places I have visited are included in this book. I have included my ancestry based on my research thanks in part to my parents’ memory of those facts and information that I was able to collect from the internet and family. Being an autobiography after an introduction of my folks it all starts with my birth and continues to present day recollections, all factual and true. Parts of this book included real stories that were inserted chronologically which I felt made this a fun and interesti...

Saudi Arabia | What lies beneath the sands !

wolfnegev wolfnegev


In this bookHow do I define Saudi ArabiaThe pyramid structure; starting from the royal family to the poorest foreign worker in the countryHow did the Saudi government exploit social contradictions to remain in power?Sources of the Saudi economy and how the Saudi Financial Structure is damaged beyond repairEmploying the Islamic religion to dominate the aspects of Saudi SocietyThe hidden side of Saudi society that is beginning to take the leadUsing sports ( Football / Soccer ) to distract people from politicsThe Football Game Between Saudi Arabia & New Zealand in 1981 and how it was used for a political agenda!How the government made immigration a non-privilege for Saudi citizensSwapping a...

Can I Come HOME Now?: A True Story of Childhood Trauma

Barbara Godin Barbara Godin


In this moving and painful memoir of growing up from age five to adulthood, the author paints a sad and all too familiar story of early sexual abuse from men whom she should have been able to trust that evolves into a shattered sense of self-worth, and ultimately her own dysfunctional and abusive marriage. The story relates how little Barbara came to be vulnerable to such trauma after the break-up of her family and being shuttled among various, not always willing relatives. She details the highly effective and shrewd tactics predators use to keep their victims under their total control. The unrelenting theme throughout is her constant longing for her mother's elusive love, always just beyond...

Mammoth Meat: Love Unveiled: How Caveman Genetics Shape Modern Relationships

Douglas B Sims Douglas B Sims


From Grunts to Swipes: Unlocking the Ancient Instincts Behind Modern Love and MarriageSo, there I was, standing in the kitchen after yet another conversation with my wife and how she needed another pair of shoes. Does she need six pairs of nearly identical shoes (but they're all for different "activities," apparently), when I had an epiphany. It wasn’t just about shoes. It wasn’t just about purses. It was about... mammoth meat (Hunters and gathers). Yeah, that’s right. We’re all still cavemen and cavewomen deep down, and the things driving us today are eerily similar to what kept our ancestors going—except, instead of spears and caves, it’s credit cards and Amazon Prime.My book, ...

Raised by Wolves Trapped by Demons

Mimi Tallo Brier Mimi Tallo Brier


My first Book “Raised by Wolves, Trapped by Demons”Wrote a memoir about a woman that came into the world feeling unloved and unwanted at a very early age. Raised by an alcoholic father and a cold, detached mother, she must make her way in the world based solely on her instincts. A victim of childhood abuse, sexual and physical assault, she learns to accept the unacceptable in order to survive. A major pattern of self-destructive choices begins to emerge. A major portion of her life was spent uncovering, forgiving, and resolving that pattern. She still had decades to live before she would recognize what that pattern meant.is a compelling story of surviving of child abuse, domestic violenc...

My First Decade Gas Free! - E.V. ESSENTIALS! : My First Decade Gas Free Part 1 and Part 2 re-edited and newly revised edition!

coolstyle coolstyle


This is the first book to document the story of using only electric transportation for an entire decade. This book goes into depth about the environmental impacts and economic impacts of making the switch to going gas free and only using all electric transportation. This is the re-edited and newly revised edition of what was originally two shorter books.




La transformación de la vida y los pensamientos por medio de la escasez y el clima extremo... convertidos en cosecha de palabras y trigo.

Survive Grief & Come Back to Life, Memoir of a Survivor

P. J Roscoe P. J Roscoe


Experiencing grief is inevitable in life because death is certain. Nobody can avoid it, and yet it seems that too many people hide from this fact, preferring to 'leave it till later'. The very word 'death' is whispered and most often dodged if possible, preferring words like 'lost' 'passed' or 'sleeping'.Grief can be a shock when a death occurs, even if it has been previously experienced because grief is never the same. My grief for my mum who died in 2019 was nothing compared to the death of my son in 1997, which catapulted me into this world of grief trainer, therapist, and author. For many clients, 'counseling' worked just 'fine' however, I knew there was more to life having healed my min...

The Life of Jesus

GeoffWaugh GeoffWaugh


A brief biography of history's famous leader.  We date our diaries and calendars from his arrival.  His story is by far the world's best selling book, translated into over 1400 different languages, and still the world's best seller.  This book explores why such a popular, loving young leader aroused intense opposition leading to his brutal torture and public execution.

God’s Paradox: The Unliftable Stone And The All-Knowing Creator

Robert Hall Robert Hall

If God exists, can He make something He cannot lift? If God is all powerful, He can lift anything, yet if He is all knowing He can make something He cannot lift. The answer to this paradox is in my manuscript and is the most beautiful truth you'll ever read. Awakening is not accomplished through the death of the body. Our Soul is eternal and cannot die. Therefore, if our Soul is not awakened at the point in time when we drop the physical body, it will simply create another body in which to continue its journey to awakening. Yet one thing is certain, as promised by God. We will awaken to the Truth that we are exactly as God created us. What I'm experiencing now is being aw...


Rajmohan  P R Rajmohan P R



Every company, no matter what industry, needs a digital marketing strategy to thrive in today’s hyper-competitive, always-on world. That’s why there is a huge demand for highly skilled professionals in this field. This book discusses about modern marketing methods both online and offline. It speaks about the importance of digital marketing platforms. Through different chapters, the author gives a clear picture of modern marketing techniques such as Social Media Marketing, Online Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Pay-Per-Click marketing, Customer Data Platform, etc.

Deliverance Training: Destroying The Works Of The Enemy

Alex Morton Alex Morton


Explore the realm of spiritual warfare with "Deliverance Training: Destroying the Works of the Enemy." This essential training manual has been written to empower believers with insights and strategies to overcome the deceptive tactics of Satan. In this enlightening guide, Alex reveals effective methods for exposing demonic forces and helps readers liberate themselves from spiritual strongholds.Covering topics from recognizing the nature of spiritual attacks to identifying demonic influences in daily life, this manual serves as a comprehensive guide for those seeking freedom and victory. Arm yourself with practical tools and strategies to confront darkness. Through thorough instructions, read...

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