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  • Navigating the World of Self-Publishing: A Guide by Shankar Machavaram

Navigating the World of Self-Publishing: A Guide by Shankar Machavaram

Navigating the World of Self-Publishing: A Guide by Shankar Machavaram

In the ever-evolving world of literature, self-publishing has become a transformative force, allowing authors to get their stories out to the world without the constraints of traditional publishing. One notable example is my recent work, Threads of Destiny: Unveiling the Secrets of the Past by Bhavanisankar Sarma. This book not only highlights my commitment to historical exploration but also serves as a testament to the potential of self-publishing.

The Self-Publishing Revolution

Self-publishing has democratized the book industry, offering authors a platform to publish their works with greater control over the process. Unlike traditional publishing, which often involves long wait times and close oversight, self-publishing gives authors control over their book's journey from manuscript to market.

Writing a Manuscript

The first step in self-publishing is making sure your manuscript is polished and ready to read. For Me, Threads of Destiny has undergone extensive revisions to ensure historical accuracy and an engaging narrative flow. Authors may consider professional editing services to polish their manuscripts, as a well-edited book improves readability and credibility. In my case, I was editing it because it was the story of my birth and where I come from.

Designing of book

The next important step is to develop your book cover design and format its interior space. Your cover often determines your reader's first impression, so investing in a professional design can make all the difference in your book's success. Threads of Destiny has an attractive cover that reflects the historical depth and intrigue of the book. Similarly, good formatting can make your book visually appealing and easy to read on multiple devices. I created a cover themed around my hometown, but also saw variations from publications and homemade designs.

Choosing a self-publishing platform

Once your manuscript and design are ready, choosing the right self-publishing platform is key. Popular platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), IngramSpark, and Smashwords offer a variety of services to help you publish and distribute your book. These platforms provide tools for eBooks and print publications, helping authors reach a wide audience. I used Amazon KDP and IngramSpark for their user-friendly interface and extensive distribution network, which enabled it to reach readers around the world with Threads of Destiny. Also, I found useful platforms of self - publication in my regional manuscript Telugu, like Logili.com, Pothis, Google Play Books, Flipkart

Marketing Your Book

Self-publishing also places the responsibility of marketing on the shoulders of the author. Developing a solid marketing strategy is essential to achieving visibility and attracting readers. Social media, book signings, and online book clubs effectively promote a book. For Threads of Destiny, Machavaram engaged in a targeted social media campaign, participated in interviews, and used a book review blog to generate buzz and drive sales. Writing a blog or posting a story can help our book reach a wider audience.

Manage the business side

Mastering the business side of self-publishing, including royalty management, pricing strategy, and book distribution, is essential. Platforms like Amazon KDP provide detailed insights and reports that help authors track sales and adjust their strategy accordingly. Machavaram has set a competitive price for Threads of Destiny, balances affordable prices and content value, and helps to attract large readers.


Self-publishing can be a rich journey, and provides the author's freedom to bring your own voice and unique stories to the primary view. My experience with Threads of Destiny: Unveiling the Secrets of the Past shows that self-publishing can have a big impact. With careful planning, expert help, and effective marketing, authors can successfully navigate the world of self-publishing and share their literary work with the world.

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Unveiling Your Passion, Career, and Prosperity: Discover the Journey with See "U" in "YOU"

The average human spends roughly 79 years, or 28835 days, on earth. So, there are an average of 692040 hours in a lifetime. Would you like to spend most of your time doing what you don't like? or do you want to follow your passion, build a brand career, and make lots of paisa for yourself? The choice is yours.

Every Human being on this earth came for some

Purpose; know your Calling, Passion, and Reason

for being here...

If you know early in your life, that is the first step to "success."

A palliative nurse who has counseled the dying in their last days has revealed the most common regrets we have at the end of our lives.

Top five regrets before we leaving this world are

  • "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
  • "I wish I hadn't worked so hard."
  • "I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings."
  • "I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends."
  • "I wish that I had let myself be happier."

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded their dying epiphanies.

After reading this, I started questioning

  1. What is one thing I can give to this world before i Go!..
  2. How can I transform people's lives!, so that I wont feel regret while i Go!

So my Idea behind creating this book is,  I struggled with and had no clarity on when I started my career. I wanted to give the best of experience to those starters yet to enter into this real world.Still, I gained more clarity, more wisdom, more power to handle any situation in life when I found the formula for "Find "U" in "You." by following my passion.

My biggest realization is that I am mixing my “Passion and technical skill = Passiontech”

The Major Challenge is Seeing U in You, Who You are?, Finding Your Potential, Knowing your calling, Building your Character.

“Don't just become a Dreamer Become a Achiever” ~Akhilesh Telkar

Sometimes we lose our focus in life, for some they are sure they are on the right path in finding the answers of career.

The Powerful 4 W’s

1.Where to start?, 2.Which path to go?, 3.Why to do it? 4. Whom to contact?

By the end of this book, three things you will realize -

Passion - You who most of the time, ignoring

Career - Build the career you are looking for.

Paisa - Followed by Vitamin M. Who doesn't want this?

If you are holding this book that shows you are hungry to change, many will read the books, but only a few challenge themselves and take massive actions.

Stop being Common

Be the best version of Yourself

Change the old belief in you

Find “U” in “YOU”

Find the Passion in You

Become unstoppable and transform your career

Ultimately, fill the success bag with Paisa

See “U” in “YOU”

See "U" in "YOU" is a life guide with 21 practical step-by-step activities laid out to find "U" in "YOU" and success in seeing "U" in "YOU".

Akhilesh Telkar


Warning: 50% of people who buy a self-help book won’t read till the end; what about you?

How to Manage Diabetes by Eating Fruits and Vegetables

The Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables for Diabetics

Incorporating fruits and vegetables into a diabetic diet offers a multitude of benefits, owing to their rich nutritional profile. These natural foods are abundant in essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which play a vital role in diabetes management. The high fiber content in fruits and vegetables is particularly noteworthy, as it can slow the absorption of sugars, promoting more stable blood sugar levels. This aspect is crucial for maintaining glucose control and preventing the spikes and crashes that can exacerbate diabetic conditions.

Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens are excellent choices for diabetics. They are low in calories and carbohydrates while being high in vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals such as iron and calcium. These nutrients help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, which are key factors in managing diabetes. Similarly, berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are low in glycemic index and rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation.

Non-starchy vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and bell peppers, are also highly beneficial. They provide important nutrients without significantly impacting blood glucose levels. These vegetables are versatile and can be included in various meals, making it easier to incorporate them into daily diets. The fiber in these vegetables not only supports stable blood sugar levels but also promotes gut health, which is increasingly recognized as important in managing diabetes.

It is important for diabetics to practice portion control and choose whole fruits over fruit juices. Whole fruits contain fiber, which helps mitigate the impact of natural sugars on blood glucose levels. In contrast, fruit juices often lack fiber and can result in rapid spikes in blood sugar. By prioritizing whole fruits and vegetables and maintaining appropriate portion sizes, diabetics can effectively manage their condition while enjoying a diverse and nutritious diet.

Tips for Incorporating Fruits and Vegetables into Your Diet

For individuals managing diabetes, incorporating a diverse array of fruits and vegetables into daily meals can significantly enhance overall health. Here are some practical strategies to help you seamlessly integrate these nutrient-rich foods into your diet.

Begin by incorporating vegetables into every meal. Breakfast can include a veggie-packed omelette or a smoothie with a balanced mix of vegetables and low-glycemic fruits such as berries. For lunch and dinner, aim to fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, bell peppers, and broccoli. These options are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Using fruits as healthy snacks is another effective strategy. Choose whole fruits over fruit juices to benefit from the fiber content, which aids in blood sugar control. Apples, pears, and berries are excellent choices due to their lower glycemic index. Be mindful of portion sizes and balance fruit consumption with other components of your meal plan to avoid spikes in blood sugar.

Variety is key in maintaining interest and ensuring a broad spectrum of nutrients. Rotate different fruits and vegetables to enjoy a range of flavors and health benefits. For instance, experiment with roasted root vegetables, stir-fried greens, or a colorful vegetable salad. Such diversity not only enriches your diet but also makes meals more enjoyable.

To empower you further, here are some diabetes-friendly recipes and snack ideas. Try a spinach and berry smoothie for breakfast, a chickpea and vegetable stir-fry for lunch, or bell pepper strips with hummus for a snack. These options are not only delicious but also supportive of your dietary needs.

When selecting packaged fruit products, always read food labels carefully. Look for added sugars and opt for products without them. Understanding the glycemic index of fruits can also guide your choices; for instance, prefer low to moderate glycemic index fruits like cherries and grapefruit to keep blood sugar levels stable.

By following these tips, you can make fruits and vegetables a fundamental part of your diet, aiding in the natural management of diabetes. Get the complete book, titled; "You and Your Health Manual" through this web link here> https://noahkaybooks.com/shop/natural-health/you-and-your-health-manual/


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