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On Attitude to Money

While a conflict of interest, be it in life or in fiction, can bring about self-introspection, strange though it may seem, a casual encounter could lead to self-discovery. So it happened with me in the wake of my rebuff to a dogged tempter, “money is not my weakness” and his “what is your weakness” repartee; for the record, either I had been a straight purchase officer or a strict loss assessor, occupations amenable to monetary mischief. 

However, the idea of this article is not to gloat over my uprightness but to present the genesis of my attitude to money and the vicissitudes of my life as a subject matter for possible research. But the caveat is that much of my growing up that shaped the same was in the times when the social pulls and the peer pressures, not to speak of the student stress, weren’t, as they have come to become of late, as emotionally unsettling. It was primarily because, as compared to the times now, in the days of yore, life tended to furrow in the tracks of karma siddhanta’s poorva janma sukrutam; the happy circumstances of one’s current life are the outcomes of the previous versions’ noble deeds. Besides keeping envy out of life’s framework for the equanimity of the haves and the have-nots alike, this karmic concept boded well for the collective social conduct buttressed by the individual hope of a bettered future life, never mind the bitter one on hand. But lest the laid back attitude should breed in societal lethargy, the dharmic work culture for a pragmatic life was formulated in v 47, ch2, Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help, thus: “Hold as patent on thy work / Reckon thou not on royalty / With no way to ceasing work  / Never mind outcome but go on.”

Given my birth in August 1948, so to say, I was conceived under the flying Tiranga and lived the first decade of my life in Kothalanka, a remote village in the picturesque Konaseema of the agrarian Andhra Pradesh. There my paternal grandfather Thimmaiah happened to hold a ten-acre paddy field and a five-acre coconut grove and as was the wont of the landed gentry in that era, he leased out all of that. It was in that rural setting, in those leisurely times, as the eldest of the third generation in a frugal household, that I have had a carefree childhood. But, when I turned ten, my father Peraiah, a remarkable man whom I sketched as A Character of Sorts in Glaring Shadow, my stream of consciousness novel, had shifted base to Amalapuram, a nearby small town, apparently for bettering my education.

And better it did for me. In the first academic year itself, I could make myself eligible for the merit-cum-means scholarship that though I chose to forego offhand and did not think much of it either to inform even my mother Kamakshi about it. But, having come to know of my ‘foolhardy act’ from my class fellows, when my grandfather questioned my strange conduct, I reminded him that it was he who told me that we are well-heeled, and he had no more to say. But, it was much later, and long after he disposed off that family silver and mismanaged its proceeds, that I realized my little eleven-year old rustic head could have instinctively figured out that our then family means made me peremptorily ineligible for the scholarship on that count.  However, despite the latter-day material modesty, my attitude to money stayed course with my life and times as my youthful grasp of the ethereal value of woman’s effervescent love made the moolah inconsequential to my being as well as immaterial to my belonging, thereby ensuring that I remained immune to its lures that is notwithstanding the truism in the adage that ‘love is no more than a hackneyed expression unless backed by money’. 

It’s thus, Napoleon Bonaparte’s “the surest way to remain poor is to be honest,” has been fine with me, and thankfully, with my spouse Naagamani as well. Nevertheless, the inexplicable period of penury that followed my cold shouldering a one crore bribe made me wonder whether goddess Lakshmi, feeling slighted at long last, thought it fit to punish me, the audacious errant. But, having subjected us to a four-year financial ordeal, as if to validate the Sanatana dharma’s credo, dharmo rakshati rakshita (righteousness protects the righteous persons); the goddess had finally relented by putting our life back on its modest track, so it seemed.

However, as it appears, maybe, Suresh Prabhu of my free ebook in the public domain, Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life, has unraveled the ramifications of the moolah in its Spirituality of Materialism thus: “It’s the character of money to corrupt the ardent, tease the vacillating and curse the indifferent. That way, there seems to be no escape for man from money. You’re damned if you have it and accursed for the lack of it”. What is more, by way of showing an escape route to his bride Vidya, he cautioned her; “make money the measure and you are in for trouble dear”; it is as if he has alerted all of us to its pitfalls so that we can collectively regulate our monetary heads to make the best use of our life within our mundane means.





The human being has been alive on Earth for quite some time now. There are three main schools of philosophy in the world: 1. CREATION, 2. EVOLUTION, AND 3. THE SEED FROM OTHER WORLDS. Creation adheres to the Teachings of The Holy Bible, The Book of Enoch, and all the Sacred Books; Evolution adheres to the teachings of Satan, and Humanistic Science; and The Seed From Other Worlds adheres to the Teachings of The Sumerian Texts, and The Lost Book of Enki. I am going to present to you a mixed view of the world in a philosophical standpoint: CREATION & THE SEED FROM OTHER WORLDS. According to the Holy Bible, there is only one kingdom ruled by THE SUPREME GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. This God made the entire universe with The Word Spoken by His Mouth. Henceforth, UNIVERSE means: The Spoken Word of God. Adonai made two realms: The Spiritual Realm, and the Physical Realm, One Heaven and One Earth. God never mentions any other worlds with life, but the Lost Book of Enki does: Nibiru. God only created two sciences: THE TRUTH AND THE LIE. God made two beings with life: 1. The Spiritual Beings, and 2. The Physical Beings. The Spiritual Beings refer to all the invisible, angelic realm who reside in Heaven, and the Physical Beings refer to Mankind, who reside on Earth. God made billions upon billions of stars, or angelical beings, which include the GALAXIES, that are groups of millions of stars, and the CONSTELLATIONS, which are groups of stars around a represented deity. All the stars in the heavens are contained in THE ZODIAC. Zodiac means: The Arch of the Zoo, since all the Zodiac signs are represented by beasts, or animals in resemblance to the angelic beings in Heaven. These angelic beings don’t come from Heaven, but they come to rule the Earth from Nibiru, another world in the Solar System. BEAST: Hybrid being half human, and half animal. The only angels that look like human beings are called: THE WATCHERS OF THE UNIVERSE, the rest of the angels have horrific, weird, terrible, and striking appearance of hybrid beings, gargoyles, dragons, serpents, alligators, reptiles, dogs, pigs, long tailed yemim, dulanuth, keephas, and ducheephath. The rank of the angels is the following: The Archangels, the Holy Chayot, the Seraphim, the Ofanim, the Cherubim, the Galgallim, the Four-Headed Angels, the Many-Eyed Thrones, the Shining Otanim, the Archangels More Radiant than the Sun, the Phoenixes, the Khalkedras, the dominions, the virtues, the powers, and principalities, the Yemim, the Sulanuth, the Keephas, the Ducheephath, and the Stars (common angels). The Zodiacal deities are the following: Aries, Taurus, Geminis, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. One shar equals 3,600 Earth years: 121.66  shars ago the Nibireans from Planet Nibiru came down to Earth to mine for gold to fix their firmament, and to build their cities of gold, silver, precious woods, precious metals, and precious stones, just like HEAVEN. Since Earth was totally void of human beings, they brought a working class known as THE GRIGORI, who measured less than 200 feet in height, gray skin, slanted brown eyes, brown, and blond hair, crooked, eagle noses, and elongated skulls. The Anunnaki bosses, sons of King Anu: Enlil, Enki, Ninma, and Ninhurzag, established a gold transfer station in Mars, and a gold refining station in the Moon. The miners born in the Moon were known as: THE IGIGI, which means: Originary from the Navel of the Moon. The exhausting rigors, and dangers of mining on Earth, made the Igigi to start revolting against their Anunnaki bosses. Enki, the son of King Anu from Nibiru, decided to create a tough, rough, and resilient working race by mixing the DNA of the Igigi, and the DNA of an aboriginal Earthly animal: THE CHIMPANZEE. The newly created race is known today as THE MEXICANS (the aborigenes of Mexico, not the immigrants from Spain), who have dark skin, black hair, slanted dark eyes, eagle’s noses, and elongated skulls, as well as the MAYANS.  The meaning of the word MEXICO means: Originary from the Navel of the Moon. The Anunnaki needed to create a managing class of mine workers, who were bigger in stature, better looking, and with high IQ, therefore, Enki mixed his own DNA with the chimp DNA, and Ninma, his sister, incubated it in her uterus, fashioning the FIRST ADAM called ADAMU. They proceeded to take a rib from Adamu, and created EVE, or TIAMAT. The intelligence quotient of the new Earthlings was too slow to learn Metallurgy nor the Science of Mining, and Smelting Metals, therefore, Enki decided to marry two of their daughters; the first one gave birth to THE SECOND ADAM called ADAPA, and the second daughter gave birth to the SECOND EVE, called TITI. The ten generations of the Second Adam and Eve are the ones recorded in the Holy Bible: Adapa and Titi gave birth to Cain and Abel. The Earthlings were called: THE BLACK HEADED PEOPLE. Cain killed Abel with a stone because Enki favored Abel, which caused Cain to be exiled to the East to a Land of Wandering at the end of the world. Adapa and Titi bore another son called: Sati (The One Who Likes Mines), Sati (Biblical Seth) married his sister Azura, who bore Enchi (Biblical Enosh), the Master of Humanity, and was taught all the secrets of the Anunnaki by Nannar, and Ishkar. Enchi and his sister Noun bore Konan (Biblical Cainan), who was tutored in the operation of furnace, and kiln; how to use betterments to make fire, and how to smelt, and refine metal. In the 99 shar Konan had a son with his sister Mulit, and named him Malalu (Biblical Mahalaleel). In the 100 shar Malalu and Duna had a son Irid (Biblical Jared). Anunnaki Dumuzi, son of Enki, taught Irid how to dig wells in the meadows to provide water for the flocks. At the end of the 102 shar, Irid (Jared) and his wife Berakah bore a son: Enkimi (Biblical Enoch), who was celestially educated on celestial matters, and was eager to explore the heavens. Enkimi (Enoch) and his wife Edimi had a son named Mathusel (Biblical Mathuselah). Enkimi went to a second journey to the moon to visit the Igigi with Marduk. When Enkimi arrived, he was sent to Sippar (the Place of the Celestial Chariots) to be instructed by god Utu, and he was appointed The Prince of the Earthlings, and taught the functions of priesthood. Enkimi went on a second journey to the heavens, and spent the rest of his days in the heavens making a record of all that he had learnt. Mathusel and Edna had a son named Lamak (Biblical Lamech). Lamak had a wife named Vatinesh, who Enki lusted after, Enki impregnated Vatinesh, and had a son named Ziusudra (Noah). The Anunnaki needed to create a supreme race, who would be the thinkers, and the scientists, and teachers of humanity, thus, they mixed their Nibirean DNA with the fowl of the Earth, creating Thoth, who was half Nibirean half Ibis, Horus, who was half Nibirean half eagle, Huron, who was half Nibirean half falcon, etc… In the 93 shar Anunnaki Marduk decided to marry Sarpanit, the sister of Methuselah, and a great congregation of Earthlings assembled for Marduk’s wedding. At the same time the Igigi had a revolt in the refineries in the Moon, and 200 of them came in their chariots of fire down to Earth to take over THE MISSION CONTROL CENTER. Shemihaza was their leader, and they were known as: THE WATCHERS OF THE UNIVERSE,  and they made a pact known as HERMON, to abduct 200 female Earthlings, and have children with them. The mix of the Igigi and the Earthlings created a new monstrous race the size of mountains known as: THE NEPHILIM or THE CHILDREN OF THE ROCKETSHIPS. The souls of the Nephilim are known as PLANETS or DEMONS. The Watchers flying their spaceships, proceeded to abduct from the Earth 200 species of land animals, 200 species of fish, 200 species of fowl, and 200 species of plants, and mixed all the species of the Earth in order to provoke THE SUPREME GOD OF THE UNIVERSE.

THE SECRET SCIENCE OF THE BIBLE BY HENRY ENRIX: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Science-Discover-Secrets-Universe/dp/B08V9G1GTT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1R019GC7T7C1A&keywords=the+secret+science+of+the+bible+by+henry+enrix&qid=1698617948&sprefix=the+secret+science+of+the+bible+by+henry+enrix%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-1

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