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  • Education Gave Me Worth and Taught Me Who I Am – Education is Worth It

Education Gave Me Worth and Taught Me Who I Am – Education is Worth It

Education Gave Me Worth and Taught Me Who I Am – Education is Worth It

There is a growing belief that college isn’t as important as it used to be. The belief is that higher education may not be worth time and money, especially because of debt when there is no guarantee of employment afterward. Sadly, money is the only deciding factor for many. Most people agree areas such as medicine and engineering need training, and yet also realize blue-collar workers’ wages increase without the burden of school loans. However, there are other advantages to attending college besides money. It’s true financial reasons are an important factor in deciding whether to pursue higher education or go directly into the workforce. College, combined with exposure to a large variety of people, provided a vision for who I am and of my worth. The college provided me with a special understanding. I was born into poverty, which made me hunger for a better view of myself. I instinctively knew the lens I peered through was narrow and I wanted a broader picture to measure my worth. In the end, I discovered my worth was the same as before the world tainted it. I learned I am who I thought I was and my measurements as a human being were correct.

I come from a poor country people who are humble, value family, work hard, and hold close to their faith and hope. Before beginning primary school, how I viewed myself centered on my mother’s view, which is worthy and good. Consideration of others and hard work leads her view. Since I strove for these, my self-worth felt healthy. At the same time, I knew certain needs were not satisfied. Sometimes we needed food and clothing and didn’t have enough. I longed for more, yet my self-worth remained intact. Just because we needed things didn’t mean I, or my family, were undeserving, and that poverty would be held against us. Poverty wasn’t an appropriate measuring stick.

A change occurred when I started school and is where comparison slowly whittled my self-worth. I learned others had plenty of food and varieties I didn’t know existed. I learned about fabulous places like Disneyland did too because classmates spoke of them during “Show and Tell.” I learned my clothes were faded and were too baggy or too small. I learned others could buy books from colorful monthly flyers. When orders came in, I stayed quiet and watched my teacher pass shiny books to my classmates. I learned the way I spoke wasn’t always correct, either. Even at a young age, I realized these things were not in my control. No amount of consideration for others, hard work, faith, or hope would make a difference. The realization that I was different arrived, and I held myself back to not draw attention to myself. I grew quiet. I stopped raising my hand when I knew an answer.

As my primary education grew, so did my expansion of people throughout history. I learned about the wide variety of standards and views, but my lens remained limited. Moving through primary education meant exposure to a wider populace, yet remained limited due to the inhabitants living in the same local geographical area. The standard of the lens was similar. Those in the area held similar understandings and values. Although I could compare myself and learn who I was had widened, my place in geography and my parents’ vocation remained limited. As a result, my measurement still came up short. I felt less than others.

By high school, I’d grown accustomed to my position and hung around a small circle of friends who held similar measurements. All the same, the idea of being less than others persisted because everyone in school lived in the country or nearby tiny villages. The school’s view of fairness governed, although not completely like my mother’s, they held ideas of positive standards and certain rules of fairness. Those who didn’t follow these were seen as bucking the system outright. In my mind, there were only two choices, good and bad. Absolute evil came from the few deranged and misled. Since I followed these rules, my measurements wavered, but remained partly healthy. By now I knew the biggest difference resulted from poverty and I continued to hold myself back. The shame remained because the measurement remained.

In time, I learned very few were as kind and hard-working as my mother. My measurement of her remained as well as her influence. She is responsible for the fundamental foundation of not only my ethics but those of our family to this day. One of these values lies with schooling. She told me education would provide the change I wanted, would level differences, and raise me to be good enough. My hunger to rise drove me. I worked hard. I continued my education and eventually earned a master’s degree. As the years went by, my mother’s rule about kindness remained my guide. In time, I had much to compare myself to, not only with those of today but with those from yesterday. What I found would have remained simple and uncomplicated if not for my father.

My father differs from my mother and played a part in why shame remained. My confidence struggled against his negative and critical outlook. Whatever I did was never good enough. I always fell short of his measurement. He often pointed to what I lacked, to what I did wrong. He held little regard for schooling since he hadn’t finished high school. My father worried about what the neighbors thought instead of the thoughts of his family. His anger and twisted measurements affected the whole family, especially my mother. I eventually realized he controlled her because he couldn’t control anything else. She became the reason for all his failings. To maintain control, he worked to destroy her self-worth. Even before my lens grew wide enough, I knew my father wasn’t fair. He fueled my drive for better measurement. 

Besides standard education, life granted experience. Though harsh, life is an outstanding teacher. I attended higher learning at two universities over the years and eventually worked at a wide assortment of places with an extensive variety of people. There were diverse levels of income and locations, and I spent time with and worked with people from urban, suburban, rural areas, poverty, and wealthy income levels, essentially people from all around the world. I found a few people meaner than I’d ever known, and some extremely kind. A few were tricksters who measured stabbing others in the back to prove their intelligence and some who measured with dedication to saving others.

Measurement of myself and my worth went full circle. After searching for proof of who I was, and gaining a wider lens, I ironically found my worth the same as when I was a child, the one my mother provided. I know who I am today and feel better about myself. I understand others too. Everyone looks through a lens, and as a teacher, that is important. Today, I teach college classes part-time as an adjunct with monetary pay and try to make a positive difference in others’ lives. The reward is satisfying. My students come from all walks of life from all around the world, and every new semester, I work to instill positive worth, hope, a wider lens, and the rewards of hard work. My lens now shows me as the decent human being my mother told me I was as a young girl. Education made a difference in my self-worth and taught me who I am.

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The Reluctant Author

The Reluctant Author


I hadn’t gone looking to write a book. And although I love to write, especially poetry, and editorial responses of educational articles, writing can be arduous and was never cathartic for me. I would rather take pictures. My dream was to be a veterinarian, to heal, support positive training, and be the voice for those who spoke a different language. God had that same plan, albeit a very different path.


Life can be messy. It can flip your world upside down in an instant and force you into situations that could ultimately break you if you let them. My family experienced one such life altering event when my little brother, Bruce, was born. He wasn’t like David, my other brother, or me. You see, Bruce had down syndrome. While our parents struggled to come to terms with what this meant for their future and the challenges they would now


have to face, David and I saw our newest sibling for who he was – a special, wonderful gift.  I was an immediate advocate fighting to keep him from being given away and then for inclusion despite inconveniences


or discomfort for those, speaking a misunderstood language.  After sending my brother to live in a KenCrest Group Home, he slowly began to became an afterthought for my parents, and I didn’t want that to be the case with the rest of my family. He was involved in David and my life and we in his, and he was just as committed to us as we were to him. We all flourished alongside him, and I wanted to honor him and his story.

My plan to include Bruce with others was to open his world. We accomplished so much more, my baby brother and I. We opened theirs.


Living only a forty- minute drive from Bruce’s group home allowed for Sunday visits and family dinners with my daughter, husband and me, phone calls with his nieces living in Florida and France, and holiday visits with my son’s family when they visited from Florida. However, what I feared most, his becoming an afterthought, happened after my move to Florida. No one made time to see him, I was no longer there, the voice with whom to reckon.


Now with his death, I was more determined than ever to keep my brother’s memory alive so my children, grandchildren, nieces, and close friends who knew of him, but never met him would remember Brucie. Vail, Colorado, my home during the summer months was my refuge when Bruce was diagnosed with cancer, COVID preventing any visits to the hospital but guardianship offered constant communication with doctors and hospital staff. Nothing got done without my approval, constant support from the nurse and personal advocate from KenCrest readily available. I hiked those trails with a vengeance, miles of climbing, listening to The Killers, dancing with the forest nymphs, crying and reliving our life together. My Inspirational Moment took hold and I was driven to write this memoir about my life with my very special brother, filled with these stories from my memories and those closest to Bruce. That is when I also realized so many who had loved and cared for him, his KenCrest family, and now mourned his loss as well would have a way to share him, read about him, and hear his voice within these stories. The challenge, how to write a memoir that told the story in the most positive light while sharing painful experiences, the good, bad and ugly and not sounding resentful or bitter. Of course, there were angry moments and not sharing those would be dishonest, especially at my age of thirteen, reliving the beginning and feeling guilty having left David for college. Our parents were gone so I was not burdened with the fear of hurting them.

“Listen to Me” was Bruce’s mantra to be heard and understood as individuals with down syndrome struggle with an enlarged tongue preventing many words to be pronounced correctly. The subtitle, ‘How My Down Syndrome Brother Saved My Life’ is in reference to the voice and passion I developed throughout my life because of Bruce. It was because of the continuous need to advocate for my brother when I was younger, I eventually learned to have a voice and advocate for myself. As an adult, I had passion and a drive to make Bruce feel as normal as he could, and through that I learned patience which ultimately led me to become a teacher, coach and Administrator with the School district of Philadelphia. I don’t know what kind of life I could have had if Bruce had been born normal, perhaps I would have become a veterinarian, but I doubt it would have been as purposeful as it turned out to be.


For more than fifty- three years, Bruce lived a life full of love, laughter, community, but also pain and hardship as he battled kidney disease and pancreatic cancer. He fought his diagnosis with a smile on his face, but ultimately, cancer won. I never meant to tell this story, to share the beginning of Bruce’s and my journey. My family knew the middle and, of course the end, but not what created the drive, the fire they admired to ensure his inclusion and my guardianship. But, sometimes something or someone touches your heart, your deepest soul, and you just know their story needs to be told. The angst of not telling outweighed everything else.  For those who have lived with, loved, and lost handicapped siblings and family members, I share your pain and revel in your joys. This is that story.


An Invitation to Authors: Showcase Your Work on LitLinc - Free Interviews, Articles, and More!

Dear Esteemed Authors,

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[Free Promotion]: Your interview will be featured on our platform, offering free publicity for your books. [Enhance Book SEO]: The interview will improve your book's online visibility, making it easier for readers to find your work. [Personal Connection]: Share your journey, inspirations, and insights with a broader audience, creating a personal connection with potential readers.

How to Submit Your Interview:

[Simple Registration]: First, register for free at LitLinc Registration [ https://litlinc.com/ ]. It's quick and easy! [Answer Interview Questions]: Once registered, you'll have access to our author interview questions. Take your time to answer them; this is your moment to shine! At LitLinc, we understand the importance of visibility in the literary world. That's why we're excited to offer free author interviews. By participating in our interview series, you'll gain a fantastic opportunity to share your journey, inspirations, and insights about your books with a broader audience. Not only does this provide excellent exposure, but it also significantly aids in improving your book's SEO, making it more discoverable to potential readers. [Submit Your Interview]: After completing the questions, submit your interview through our platform. We'll take care of the rest, ensuring your story reaches a wide audience.

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Why Choose LitLinc? LitLinc is dedicated to supporting authors in an increasingly digital and competitive landscape. Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and effective, providing you with a space to not only promote your work but also to connect with a community of like-minded individuals.

The Power of Author Interviews on the LitLinc Platform: Boosting Your Online Presence and Book Visibility

In the world of literature, where countless voices compete for attention, authors often find themselves seeking effective strategies to promote their work and connect with their readership. One invaluable tool in this endeavor is the practice of author interviews, and on the LitLinc platform, these interviews take on a whole new dimension. Let's explore how author interviews on LitLinc can enhance your online presence, increase your book's visibility, and foster personal connections with readers.

Author Interviews: A Gateway to Enhanced Author Visibility

Author interviews have always been a valuable means of connecting authors with their audience. They provide an intimate glimpse into an author's creative process, inspirations, and the stories behind their books. However, when these interviews are conducted on the LitLinc platform, they transcend the conventional.

The LitLinc Platform: Your Hub for Book Promotion

LitLinc is not just another website; it's a vibrant literary community where authors can thrive. Here, you can participate in author interviews that go beyond the ordinary. By showcasing your work and sharing your personal journey, you can engage readers on a deeper level.

Fostering Personal Connections with Readers

The essence of author interviews lies in the personal connection they create between authors and their readers. On LitLinc, this connection is amplified. By sharing insights, anecdotes, and inspirations, you not only humanize your writing but also establish a genuine rapport with your audience. This personal touch can turn casual readers into devoted fans who are eager to explore your literary world.

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In the digital age, visibility is paramount. LitLinc interviews are designed to boost your book's Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When your interview, complete with your name and book titles, is featured on LitLinc, it significantly enhances your digital footprint. This makes it easier for potential readers to discover your work when searching online, ultimately increasing your book's visibility and readership.

Connecting with the Literary Community

LitLinc isn't just a platform; it's a thriving literary community where authors can connect with fellow writers, publishers, and literary enthusiasts. Your author interviews can capture the attention of others in the community, potentially leading to networking opportunities, collaborations, invitations to literary events, and even publishing opportunities.

A Reflective Tool for Authors

Participating in LitLinc author interviews also offers a unique opportunity for self-reflection. As you answer thought-provoking interview questions, you'll delve deep into your writing journey, goals, and the experiences that shaped your work. This introspective process can be invaluable in guiding your future writing endeavors.

Embrace the Power of Author Interviews on LitLinc

Author interviews on the LitLinc platform are not just a promotional tool; they are a gateway to author success. By embracing these interviews, you can significantly enhance your online presence, boost your book's visibility, and foster personal connections with your readers. Furthermore, you become part of a supportive literary community, where your voice and work are celebrated.

So, why wait? Join LitLinc today, unlock the power of author interviews, and let your unique voice resonate with the world. Enhance your author visibility, connect with your readers, and take your book promotion to new heights. Your literary journey awaits!

Author Interviews: Illuminating the Minds Behind Great Books"

In the literary world, author interviews have always held a special place. They offer readers a unique opportunity to peer into the minds of their favorite writers, gaining insights into the creative processes, inspirations, and personal journeys that give birth to the books they love. In this article, we'll delve into the world of author interviews, exploring their significance, benefits, and the captivating stories they unveil.

The Art of Author Interviews

Author interviews are more than just a conversation; they are a window into the creative soul of writers. These discussions provide a platform for authors to share the stories behind their stories, offering readers a glimpse of the rich tapestry of experiences that shape their work.

Benefits of Author Interviews

Personal Connection: Author interviews allow readers to connect with writers on a personal level. Through these conversations, authors become relatable, human figures rather than distant literary giants. Readers get to know the person behind the words, making their reading experience more intimate.

Deeper Understanding: Interviews delve into the motivations, themes, and characters in a book. This deeper understanding can enrich a reader's appreciation of the work and illuminate subtleties they might have missed otherwise.

Inspiration: Authors often share their own sources of inspiration during interviews. These insights can ignite creativity in aspiring writers and offer valuable lessons in storytelling.

Discovering New Authors: Author interviews introduce readers to writers they may not have encountered otherwise. These interviews serve as a bridge between the known and the unknown, expanding the horizons of literary exploration.

Author Interviews in the Digital Age

With the advent of the internet and digital media, author interviews have become more accessible than ever. Online platforms, podcasts, and social media have amplified the reach and impact of these conversations. Authors can now connect with a global audience, sharing their stories and perspectives with readers from diverse backgrounds.

Keyword Rich Author Interviews

In the digital landscape, keywords play a pivotal role in making author interviews discoverable. Authors, publishers, and interviewers strategically employ keywords to optimize search engine visibility. By doing so, they ensure that these insightful conversations are accessible to a wider audience.

How to Find Author Interviews

Literary Websites: Many literary websites feature author interviews as a regular part of their content. These interviews often cover a wide range of genres and themes.

Podcasts: Podcasts dedicated to literature and author interviews have gained popularity. They provide an immersive auditory experience for those who prefer to listen rather than read.

Social Media: Authors and interviewers frequently share excerpts and links to interviews on social media platforms, making it easy for their followers to stay updated.

Bookstores and Events: Physical bookstores and literary events often host in-person author interviews, allowing readers to engage directly with writers.

Author interviews are a treasure trove of literary insight and personal stories. They bridge the gap between authors and readers, offering a deeper understanding of the books that captivate us. In today's digital age, they are more accessible than ever, making it easier for readers to connect with their favorite authors and discover new voices in the literary world. So, the next time you pick up a book you love, consider diving into the world of author interviews to enhance your reading experience and gain a deeper appreciation for the creative minds behind the word

The Power of Author Interviews: Unlocking New Dimensions in Book Promotion

Author interviews have long been a staple in the literary world, offering readers a glimpse into the minds behind their favorite books. In today's digital age, these interviews have taken on new significance, serving as a powerful tool for authors to promote their work, connect with audiences, and enhance their online presence. Let's explore the multifaceted benefits of author interviews and how they can be a game-changer in your literary journey.

Personal Connection with Readers: Author interviews allow writers to connect with their audience on a personal level. By sharing insights about your writing process, inspirations, and personal anecdotes, you humanize yourself to readers. This personal connection can turn casual readers into loyal fans, as they feel a deeper engagement with both the author and their work.

Enhanced Visibility and Reach: Interviews, especially those published online, significantly increase your visibility. They reach a wide audience beyond your existing followers, introducing your work to potential new readers. When these interviews are shared on social media, the potential for reach and engagement multiplies, further expanding your audience.

Boosting Book SEO and Online Presence: Digital interviews contribute positively to your book's Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When your name and book titles are mentioned online, especially on a well-regarded site like LitLinc, it enhances your digital footprint. This makes it easier for readers to find your books when searching online, thereby increasing your potential sales and readership.

Opportunities for In-Depth Discussion: Interviews provide a platform to discuss your work in depth. Unlike book blurbs or short descriptions, an interview can delve into themes, characters, and the backstory of your creation. This depth of discussion can intrigue readers and encourage them to explore your work further.

Building Credibility and Authority: Participating in interviews establishes you as a credible and serious author. It positions you as an authority in your genre or subject matter, which can be particularly beneficial for authors who are looking to establish themselves in a specific niche.

Networking and Collaborations: Interviews often open doors to new networking opportunities and collaborations. Other authors, publishers, and literary enthusiasts take notice of your work, which can lead to future collaborations, invitations to literary events, or even publishing opportunities.

A Tool for Reflection and Self-Analysis: The process of answering interview questions can be a reflective exercise for authors. It encourages you to think critically about your work, goals, and the journey you've undertaken. This reflection can be invaluable in shaping your future writing endeavors.

Author interviews are more than just promotional tools; they are a window into the soul of your work and an invitation to readers to explore your literary world. They are an integral part of building a successful author brand in the modern literary marketplace.

By engaging in interviews, you not only promote your current work but also lay the groundwork for future projects. Whether you're a seasoned author or a new writer on the scene, embracing the power of interviews can significantly impact your literary journey.

Remember, platforms like LitLinc are here to help you in this journey, offering free and accessible ways to get your story out there. Embrace the opportunity and let your voice be heard!

Love in Words and Music (Who I am, what I do, and oh Lord, what have I gone and done now)

I’m an old guy, a dreaded boomer, a curmudgeonly curmudgeon; someone who has seen it all and seen too much. I am a Woodstock baby, a bleeding heart, a dinosaur who doesn’t have a clue about how things should be done now. I am more wizened than wise and straddle the fine line between eccentric and obstreperous.

I hate the superficiality of social media. I hate it more that people love it. I hate it more still that people no one should know are famous for hyperbole and the superfluous use of the word epic.

I hate reality TV. My kids love The Bachelor. In my admittedly outré world, the happy couple would be forced to stay married at least ten years and work their crummy jobs while their luster faded. Should they fail, they would spend the remainder of the ten years in the same jail cell. Live and in color!


I have written eight books of fiction. No two are alike. I do not write in a single genre. I used to think this was a good thing. I have written social satire, sci-fi/fantasy, and Americana.

Despite such prescient limitations and consequent dyspepsia, I decided to write a love story, an honest-to-God, dyed-in-the-wool love story filled with hugging-and-kissing-and-houghmagandy (look it up).

I will, of course, be revealed as a sap, a quasi-whimsical romantic yearning for irretrievable youth, as opposed to the erudite elder statesman I yearn to be. So be it.

It gets even weirder.

Not only was my inclination to pen an epic tale of man-woman amour, I decided to write the whole thing in dialogue—an entire novel. Nearly 9000 lines. I recently wrote a short story collection in dialogue and had an epiphany that I was onto something—or else my Doritos came from ergot-infested corn.

I just hope Nora Roberts doesn’t puke in her oatmeal.

There you have it. Love in Words and Music. My paean to intransigence.

Ah, but what a lovely web I’ve woven, a lifelong affair filled with humor, affection, and abiding devotion. Spicy and sweet like the Honey Bar-B-Q at B-Dubs.

Ain’t life grand.

 P.S. Special eBook introductory price. A buck. What a bargain! Buy it. Make an old man smile.


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