Pilgrimage on the Path of Love
PILGRIMAGE ON THE PATH OF LOVE, a novel of Visionary Fiction - My Inspiration
Pilgrimage on the Path of Love unraveled in the jungles of the Himalayas in Manali. I used to come to sit beneath the towering deodar trees in the early morning when the sun poured its liquid radiance through the leafy bowers. The jungle in its cool still verdant beauty invited introspection, and my fingers raced over the blank paper in an effort to keep up with the rapid tempo of thoughts and feelings flitting like fireflies through my mind. During my travels in the mountains of Manali and Ladakh, each person I met shared a fragment of their life with me and the multi-colored fragments, like beads on a thread, wove the necklace I carried with me, as an inner adornment, a cherished memory of a country to which I felt I belonged. The sunrise painting the cliffs of the Himalayas at dawn, the prayerful rituals on the banks of the Ganges, solitary treks to the sacred temples in the mountains. These images became an indelible part of my inner life. If I had to choose a country to which my inner being is most resonant, I would unhesitatingly choose India.
In Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, we enter the interior world of a woman on the spiritual path and we see how the spiritual dimension of life in India fosters in her a deeper understanding of the ultimate quest of human life which is enlightenment.
The concept of writing this book arose as a natural consequence of the experiences I was having as I travelled higher and higher into the Himalayas. I would meet people who shared their wisdom so innocently that I was tempted to write down what I heard and later I realized that many could benefit by being exposed to this knowledge. The journey became as much spiritual as physical. Visionary fiction is a term that denotes a transcendental message that brings with it a deeper understanding of the inner, spiritual dynamics of life. In this book, the journey the protagonist undertakes is symbolic of the soul’s search for harmony in a world characterized by turmoil and the conflict of opposing forces.
The Secret of the Walnut Cake
Narindra’s Sweet Shop
Narindra Kumar was the proud owner of the biggest sweet shop in Amritsar. It was located on the main shopping street and stood out with its vibrant colours amidst the crowd.
In the centre of the window above was a picture of Ganesha, who seemed to be enjoying the delicious aroma of the sweets displayed below him.
Ganesha, one of the most famous and beloved deities in the Indian pantheon, is often placed in places where commerce flourishes because his blessing is believed to stimulate ventures as well as an influx of customers and therefore financial revenue. Ganesha is depicted with the head of an elephant with one broken tooth and the body of a man with a rounded belly.
With Ganesha's blessings, Narindra Kumar's labour was rewarded with wealth and prosperity. Foreign journalists often visited him to explore and showcase Indian culture and culinary art. Narindra enjoyed such visits immensely and tried to fulfil every whim of the journalists, because they added to the reputation of his shop and gave him additional publicity.
Narindra's sweet shop was also a favourite with the locals, where they found a variety of specialities for many of their private and public parties. He often fulfilled orders for catering companies and his sweets were preferred by customers for engagements and weddings.
Many local youth applied to work for him, hoping to learn the craft and one day open their own pastry business. The selection of employees was strict, but fair. To get a chance to work in Narindra Kumar's shop, one had to have good references from previous employers and a lot of experience, and climbing the ladder was difficult and hampered by the many competitors.
Education Gave Me Worth and Taught Me Who I Am – Education is Worth It
There is a growing belief that college isn’t as important as it used to be. The belief is that higher education may not be worth time and money, especially because of debt when there is no guarantee of employment afterward. Sadly, money is the only deciding factor for many. Most people agree areas such as medicine and engineering need training, and yet also realize blue-collar workers’ wages increase without the burden of school loans. However, there are other advantages to attending college besides money. It’s true financial reasons are an important factor in deciding whether to pursue higher education or go directly into the workforce. College, combined with exposure to a large variety of people, provided a vision for who I am and of my worth. The college provided me with a special understanding. I was born into poverty, which made me hunger for a better view of myself. I instinctively knew the lens I peered through was narrow and I wanted a broader picture to measure my worth. In the end, I discovered my worth was the same as before the world tainted it. I learned I am who I thought I was and my measurements as a human being were correct.
I come from a poor country people who are humble, value family, work hard, and hold close to their faith and hope. Before beginning primary school, how I viewed myself centered on my mother’s view, which is worthy and good. Consideration of others and hard work leads her view. Since I strove for these, my self-worth felt healthy. At the same time, I knew certain needs were not satisfied. Sometimes we needed food and clothing and didn’t have enough. I longed for more, yet my self-worth remained intact. Just because we needed things didn’t mean I, or my family, were undeserving, and that poverty would be held against us. Poverty wasn’t an appropriate measuring stick.
A change occurred when I started school and is where comparison slowly whittled my self-worth. I learned others had plenty of food and varieties I didn’t know existed. I learned about fabulous places like Disneyland did too because classmates spoke of them during “Show and Tell.” I learned my clothes were faded and were too baggy or too small. I learned others could buy books from colorful monthly flyers. When orders came in, I stayed quiet and watched my teacher pass shiny books to my classmates. I learned the way I spoke wasn’t always correct, either. Even at a young age, I realized these things were not in my control. No amount of consideration for others, hard work, faith, or hope would make a difference. The realization that I was different arrived, and I held myself back to not draw attention to myself. I grew quiet. I stopped raising my hand when I knew an answer.
As my primary education grew, so did my expansion of people throughout history. I learned about the wide variety of standards and views, but my lens remained limited. Moving through primary education meant exposure to a wider populace, yet remained limited due to the inhabitants living in the same local geographical area. The standard of the lens was similar. Those in the area held similar understandings and values. Although I could compare myself and learn who I was had widened, my place in geography and my parents’ vocation remained limited. As a result, my measurement still came up short. I felt less than others.
By high school, I’d grown accustomed to my position and hung around a small circle of friends who held similar measurements. All the same, the idea of being less than others persisted because everyone in school lived in the country or nearby tiny villages. The school’s view of fairness governed, although not completely like my mother’s, they held ideas of positive standards and certain rules of fairness. Those who didn’t follow these were seen as bucking the system outright. In my mind, there were only two choices, good and bad. Absolute evil came from the few deranged and misled. Since I followed these rules, my measurements wavered, but remained partly healthy. By now I knew the biggest difference resulted from poverty and I continued to hold myself back. The shame remained because the measurement remained.
In time, I learned very few were as kind and hard-working as my mother. My measurement of her remained as well as her influence. She is responsible for the fundamental foundation of not only my ethics but those of our family to this day. One of these values lies with schooling. She told me education would provide the change I wanted, would level differences, and raise me to be good enough. My hunger to rise drove me. I worked hard. I continued my education and eventually earned a master’s degree. As the years went by, my mother’s rule about kindness remained my guide. In time, I had much to compare myself to, not only with those of today but with those from yesterday. What I found would have remained simple and uncomplicated if not for my father.
My father differs from my mother and played a part in why shame remained. My confidence struggled against his negative and critical outlook. Whatever I did was never good enough. I always fell short of his measurement. He often pointed to what I lacked, to what I did wrong. He held little regard for schooling since he hadn’t finished high school. My father worried about what the neighbors thought instead of the thoughts of his family. His anger and twisted measurements affected the whole family, especially my mother. I eventually realized he controlled her because he couldn’t control anything else. She became the reason for all his failings. To maintain control, he worked to destroy her self-worth. Even before my lens grew wide enough, I knew my father wasn’t fair. He fueled my drive for better measurement.
Besides standard education, life granted experience. Though harsh, life is an outstanding teacher. I attended higher learning at two universities over the years and eventually worked at a wide assortment of places with an extensive variety of people. There were diverse levels of income and locations, and I spent time with and worked with people from urban, suburban, rural areas, poverty, and wealthy income levels, essentially people from all around the world. I found a few people meaner than I’d ever known, and some extremely kind. A few were tricksters who measured stabbing others in the back to prove their intelligence and some who measured with dedication to saving others.
Measurement of myself and my worth went full circle. After searching for proof of who I was, and gaining a wider lens, I ironically found my worth the same as when I was a child, the one my mother provided. I know who I am today and feel better about myself. I understand others too. Everyone looks through a lens, and as a teacher, that is important. Today, I teach college classes part-time as an adjunct with monetary pay and try to make a positive difference in others’ lives. The reward is satisfying. My students come from all walks of life from all around the world, and every new semester, I work to instill positive worth, hope, a wider lens, and the rewards of hard work. My lens now shows me as the decent human being my mother told me I was as a young girl. Education made a difference in my self-worth and taught me who I am.
Mutant Message Down Under
Consider reading “Mutant Message Down Under.” The author is Marlo Morgan, non-fiction. I read it years ago and still utilize a prayer it taught me. She was a healthcare professional and did a lot of charitable work for the Aborigines in Australia. After several years, she was given an honor never offered. The Aborigines asked her to come to an awards ceremony. She flew to Australia and drove hours out into the vast desert to meet them. The first thing they did was burn her clothes, wallet, credit cards and have her dress as they do. The Chief offered her a great honor, to live with them for 3 moons, which is 3 months, in the desert. She accepted and after the first day of walking, had second thoughts. Her feet were bloodied and blistered as she was barefoot. The ladies put some natural salves on which healed better than any pharmaceutical would have. She was walking the next day with no pain, her feet became very calloused.
What she witnessed was astounding. They communicate via telepathy. She had been a moon in when the chief unusually stopped the tribe. He had received a message in his mind. The hunter had become ill after killing a kangaroo. He asked permission to cut off the tail so it would be lighter to carry. After several days he came into camp with the tailless kangaroo and was very sick. Two weeks later a man fell off a 30 foot cliff and shattered the femur in his leg. The largest bone in the body had broken through his skin and was snapped in two. Marlo witnessed what the tribe healer did. After administering the same salve, she placed her hands around the injury. Astonishingly an energy of light came from her hands to the fracture and the bone mended together with the skin covering over. The very next day he was walking normally as if nothing had happened. The exact same injury happened to me, I was in orthopedics for 3 months and off work a year. She observed many other astounding occurrences that left her amazed with how spiritual they are. The entire tribe has a deep connection with the Divine thus explaining the miracles she witnessed. The Aborigines own no property or homes. They’re extremely healthy and live very long lives. The society experiences no wars or crime. They have no prisons, no hospitals, no governments and no drug problems. They refer to us as mutants because we live soft, sheltered lives with little or no interest in God.
What I thankfully learned was how they pray. Every morning they petition, “Great Spirit, for my highest good and the highest good of all, please help us find substance to survive.” They live in the middle of a vast and desolate desert.
Fifteen years ago my unemployment had ended. I was forced into bankruptcy and lost two properties. I had to rent and after two years the owner informed me I must move because the rental was being sold. My credit rating was shattered because of the bankruptcy thus I could not find any rental complex to approve me. I was desperate and had just finished reading Mutants. I thought OK, let's try this. I prayed, “Holy Spirit, for my highest good and the highest good of all, please find me a job and a place to live.” That very day, I found a job and a place to live. Please understand and pray from the heart. The Holy Spirit knows what you truly need. If you pray for a new car, I doubt anything will happen. I recently started a nightly prayer, especially when my mind is churning. I pray, “Holy Spirit, for my highest good and the highest good of all, please grant perfection in listening to the Sacred Silence between my thoughts.” Try this. You may not immediately experience what I do, but you will find yourself asking fewer questions and a growing awareness of God's Infinite Love and Peace.
A peaceful mind is no small gift. Remember, God is changeless and loves you the same today as the moment you were born. Our growing awareness is a great blessing, a miracle. As we learn to love ourselves because we were created by love we start extending unconditional love to others. Always give to those in need, expecting nothing in return. A growing peaceful mind should also be extended by never becoming upset. When another strikes you either physically or verbally, they expect you to strike back. When you don’t, you’ll really upset their mental apple cart because you’re doing the exact opposite of what they expected. Just maybe, if they’re on the receiving end down the road, they’ll act differently remembering your response. This is what Jesus referred to as turning the other cheek. The Aborigines enjoy extremely peaceful lives because of their strong and unwavering faith in God. I learned a great deal from Marlo’s manuscript and the wisdom shared has increased my quality of life.
The Most Beautiful Truth You Will Ever Read
If you consider the ramifications of these Eternal Truths, you may find yourself being astounded with the absolute perfection of what is being unfolded.
I surely am. For countless thousands of years, philosophers, educators, clergy, scientists, poets, scholars, and mystics have been searching for the true meaning of life. How extremely fortunate we are, in 2024 to have access to the two greatest spiritual manuscripts ever written. “A Course In Miracles” by Helen Schucman and “The Disappearance Of The Universe” by Gary Renard. I have written about and studied these magnificent writings for over fifteen years, and still learn something new almost every day. I have found nothing in these manuscripts that is not logically true.
Taking everything to a rational conclusion, we will all eventually evolve into Co-Creator God Consciousness Beings. Now if this isn’t the most Beautiful Truth you’ve ever read, I certainly don’t know what is. God Is. Bob Website
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a book by Richard Bach that tells the story of a seagull named Jonathan who is on a journey to perfect his flying skills. The book contains many spiritual themes and ideas, and readers may find similarities between its teachings and those of A Course In Miracles. Jonathan Livingston Seagull was written in 1970. The little manuscript became a New York Times bestseller.
As a young gull, Johnathan did what every other gull did. All day, every day, he would fight other gulls to get the fish scraps thrown off the boats. As he grew older, he’d had enough, there must be a better way to live than this. He started practicing flying. Every day as he practiced more and more, he became quite fast. The other gulls thought he was very strange, and he became an outcast. This didn't matter to Johnathan, at all. He practiced wing trim, spin dives, tail dives and advanced aerodynamics for a bird. He broke the sound barrier and because of his great speed he could dive very deep and capture the best fish. He could also fly very high for tasty insects. He lived to a ripe old age and one day a baby gull flew into his path. He swerved and flew into a cliff at a very high speed. He died. Next, the Great Gull was standing beside him and said, “Well Johnathan, your method of leaving time was a little abrupt, let's continue your training.” He reached the point of thinking of being somewhere and instantly he was there.
This is my take on this beautiful story. All of his life, Johnathan strove to achieve perfection in flight. Because of his dedication, he ate better and lived better than all the other gulls. I happen to be a Christian, and I feel this is analogous to a Christian’s life. A little side note, I am a Christian of a different color. I don’t believe Jesus died for my sin to save me from an eternal hell which does not exist. I have and continue to live my life by the standards he set. He lived a perfect life. His only enemies were the religious hierarchy. He was caring, kind, generous, truthful, helpful, forgiving, honest and loving. As we strive to achieve perfection in these traits, we, like Johnathan, live better. If everyone alive today, all 8 billion of us, would simply live by, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”; here's what would happen. We would have no more wars, prisons, poverty, crime, or homelessness. We would have no need for locks or passwords. Doing just that.Think about it, it's true. Bob
An African Mother
Let’s say you’re an African mother living in the jungle in the year 1694. You’ve been with your man 17 years and have 4 children. You work hard and are 48 years old. Not easy raising 4 children and a sometimes childish husband in this sweltering hot environment. All in all, life is good for you, and you laugh much more than you cry.
One day, some white folks come into your village who are missionaries. They seem like nice people who have great food and smile a lot.They begin explaining about some man named Jesus who lived thousands of years ago. They tell you he walked on water, the blind could see, the deaf could hear, the paralyzed could walk, he raised the dead, and after he was hung on a cross to die, he raised himself 3 days later. Now these well-meaning people tell you he died for your sins, and you must believe this, or you’re going to eternal hell. You ask, “What is sin?” They tell you. “What is hell?” They tell you. You go to bed that night thinking this newfound information is a little absurd. This whole stuff sounds pretty out there to you. Who on earth came up with all this? You’ve lived a hard life but a good one. You have no enemies, many friends, loving children and a good hardworking and caring husband. Why on earth did these people tell you about this Jesus person? You’ve made some mistakes but now you’ve been informed these are sins. When you had asked what this sin stuff is about, they informed you that you’ve sinned against God. You asked, “What’s God?” They explain God had made you. You had thought all this time that your parents had made you. Also, this God who you have never seen is furious with you and is going to send you to a place of unending pain and misery. Forever. However, you’ve been told some good news. All you have to do is believe in Jesus, who died for the sin you didn’t know you had done. So, now you’re thinking, this God sent His only son to earth and commanded him to endure torture, suffering, and death? You don’t want anything to do with any of this nonsense. You had even begun to feel guilty about mistakes you were informed were sins. You had never felt guilty before and certainly do not appreciate the feeling. You truly like these kind-hearted missionaries and are a good judge of character. You never lie and always tell the truth. The minister asks you if you believe in Jesus. You tell him you’d rather not, as you were doing better before thinking about their so-called truths. They left.
For several years you had been somewhat angry with the missionaries because they had disrupted your peaceful mind. You had started discussing this issue with their God after they had taught you how to pray. You understood the concept of forgiveness because you’d certainly forgiven your husband and children countless times over the years. To your astonishment when you told God you’d forgiven these folks, a feeling of amazing joy and peace briefly enveloped you and vanished. Over the next decade you and God became quite close, and you considered Him your best friend. You knew God understands your unchanged feelings about the sin issue and the death of Jesus. Years later, you reach the nice old age of 94 and die in your sleep.
Where are you now? Atheists will say “in the dirt”. Born again Christians, “Eternal Hell.” I feel the atheists have a much better response. A third glorious answer, “Enjoying the magnificent perfection and love of Heaven, forever.” Bob
The Phasing Dimensional Library
Bob Hall hates his name, say it out loud, and you’ll understand why, sounds really stupid. He’s changing his name to Wentworth Wellington Hall, this will instill awe and respect in others. Wentworth was starting to feel unusually strange because the extremely powerful psychedelics were kicking in. He wasn’t quite certain if taking 50 hits of Grateful Dead LSD, a huge ball of Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms and Very Pure DMT at the same time was the grandest idea he’d ever had. He’ll find out sooner rather than later. Massive earthquakes started shaking the house, yard, and street. The sky turned purple, and the pouring rain was green. He just saw a ten-foot tall orange lady with a tail and mustache riding a skateboard. Superman was powerless and running from a kryptonite moose with white wings. Suddenly his living room phased, shifted and exploded into absolute total complete unending darkness. He heard what he thought was him saying, “Bob Hall, you have now entered into the state of complete nothingness, and you will vanish from your own awareness. Forever.
Oh no, Bob Hall, you've finally overdosed on too many drugs and are having a brain aneurysm. Wait a minute, I’m Wentworth and not stupid Bob Hall, he can die if that’s what he wants. I need a beer, but it’s so damn dark I can’t figure out where the refrigerator is.” The Beatles are singing that they want to hold his hand. “This sounds like a glorious idea if they’re singing from my kitchen”. They stopped playing, and Pink Floyd is saying he’s comfortably numb. “Damn right, because I’m Wentworth, and enjoying the grandest of names”. A distant ship on the horizon and his hands that felt like two balloons are telling him his beer is in the washing machine covered in red ice. “That’s nice if there are no mice covered in pizza.” He’s got to find his beer to stop this stupid brain aneurysm from killing Bob Hall, after all, he couldn't help it for being so dumb. “Why is it so damn dark?” Instantly, he heard, “Because you don’t exist.” Kansas is telling him he’s dust in the wind. “Fine, settle my dust on the washing machine, so I can drink 9 or 10 beers to save that idiot Bob Hall. Wait a moment, how can dust drink?”
There’s a gigantic expansion of brilliant pure light. He’s standing in a library holding his cell phone. “Oh great, now I’ve got to find my washing machine while figuring out how to leave a library.” For a most critical reason, Wentworth remembered that crazy Bob Hall had never set up his voicemail. Dialing in, he recorded his brilliant message, “If you’re calling for Bob, I’m now Wentworth. I’m over there and not here, so when I return here from there I’ll leave again if it’s raining. I left there some time ago and became lost getting here, so I returned there to remember here. I think. It’s sunny, and I’m going bowling, so I won’t get skin cancer. If you’re there when I find the route from my there to you here.Your stupid call is extremely unimportant to me, so I’ll return the call as quickly as possible when I go there from here. Hello for now.”
Someone, somewhere, said it’s time to read a book. “What? I’ll read a book titled “How To Stop A Brain Aneurysm From Killing A Idiot In A Library Looking For His Beer In A Washing Machine.” A different someone explained that his beer was really in the bedroom dresser and was getting warm. “This cannot be happening, warm beer makes me vomit, looks like Bob Hall is going to die. Oh well, no big deal, he doesn't have any friends anyway because he’s stupid. Are all these books laughing at me? Why is the floor on the ceiling? What is the purpose of air? Do fish drown? Are all birds really robots spying on me? Do animals talk in English amongst themselves? Is the moon really an alien satellite? Can I walk in the sun? All the known universe is on the head of a pin in another dimension? Why do I have so many questions and receive absolutely no answers? How can my body be experiencing all this when it’s nothing but dust? Is God real? I hear a powerful Yes in my heart’s mind and have received a certain and truthful answer. Finally!”
BAA AAM! “Or was this a small knock? Why are they tearing down the library?” Now he’s looking at Gladimere, the friend who put the idea in his head that Bob Hall was an idiotic name. His one buddy says, “Jesus H. Christ, your one eye open and one closed make you look like an insane maniac.” “Yes? However, my middle name isn’t H for Herbert and my last name is not Christ, my name is Jesus of Nazareth. Gladimere, why is Robert thinking he is standing in his living room with a warm beer and saying something about a library, although he’s dust in the wind looking for a book he must read?” “I have no idea, he must be going through another of his insane tripping experiences.”
Wentworth looked at Jesus, who became a composite of Elvis and John Lennon, and asked, “Who did you say my name is?” “Robert”“ I like that better than Wentworth, can you help me find my beer in my dresser before it gets any warmer? I really don’t enjoy being dust. How will I be able to drink my beer to save Bob Hall?” Jesus who is now Elton John exclaims,” Tiny dancer, I don’t know if the yellow brick road leads to your bedroom, but I’ll ask God for specific instructions.” Gladimere now wonders why Bob is talking to himself and Elton John Jesus about his name being Robert who has turned from dust to a tiny dancer and is on the yellow brick road to find the warm beer in his bedroom dresser so he won’t have a brain aneurysm. He’s sorry he ever knocked on the door and decides he must leave before his brain implodes. “Bye Bob”. “My name is not Bob, it's Robert, and I look stupid in this ballerina skirt.” “Sorry man, I’ll visit you if you end up catatonic in a mental institution, I must leave. Now!”
Bob Wentworth who is now Robert is looking at Elton John Jesus and is wondering why he’s smiling. “You think this is funny? I enjoyed being a man, not a little girl, but at least I’m no longer dust. I must find my warming beer to save Bob Hall, who thankfully is now Robert Hall.” “Yes, this is funny, you’re really standing in your front yard talking to a tree. I have some duties in Heaven and must leave also. I’m like Gladimere and you need to stop believing your insane ego mindset.” “Ok, Elton John Jesus, leave, but thank you so very much for telling me my name is Robert.” “You’re welcome.”
Robert realizes he is talking to a tree. His mailbox starts singing “Wait a minute Mr. Postman”, the neighbor's dog turns into a Zebra, a passing car transforms into a boat pulling a skier that’s a cow, swat teams are invading numerous homes, the grass grows ten feet and the entire neighborhood starts flooding. “What is going on, I’m back in the library gazing at a librarian ?” I must ask her some questions.” The librarian is looking at this strange man with a warm beer in his hand wearing no shoes with one sock. “Miss, I have a question. The woman is somewhat perplexed and has no words. “This is real simple, I need a book titled,“ My Brief Discussion With Elton John Jesus.” In this magnificent book I’ll understand why I first came to this library looking for my alcohol in a washing machine, when the warm beer was really in my dresser drawer, and why I was actually talking to a tree about taking out the trash before drinking 25 beers in the refrigerator where they never left to save Bob Hall who is now Robert Hall and no longer Wentworth from dying of a brain aneurysm because the idiot took way to many drugs. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”
Bob, who is now Robert, opens the warm beer and downs it. “Now this helps because the alcohol is telling me to calm down as Bob, who is really Robert. I understand Bob Hall is not going to die from taking too many hallucinogens and remember reading that nobody has ever died from the drugs, but have passed because they fell out of a tree when they thought they were in bed.” The librarian is starting to relax but is startled when this strange man shouts, “Jesus’s real name is Jesus of Nazareth not Jesus Christ, and he’s now talking with friends in Heaven after telling me I was talking to a tree in my front yard while thinking I was naked. He explained I was clothed but concerned about the flooding neighborhood, a water-skiing cow, a dog Zebra eating cheese, swat teams running backwards, and other strange occurrences. My Brother explained the extremely weird and chaotic thoughts are the manifestation of my egoistic wrong, insane and lying mind. I’m beginning to recognize the absolute truth.”
Suddenly Robert understands the most profound knowing that has ever occurred to him.” Wow! I’m not a human being. Jesus was human, but he’d completely understood that he was in actuality a Christ Being, and I am also beginning to remember I’m a Christ Being as well. All who were or who are or who will ever be will eventually recall this truth also. Guaranteed by God. We’re All One Christ Being who are One with Source.”
The librarian witnesses something she’d never seen. This man who moments before was a raging manic became so serene and peaceful that his eyes changed color from green to a beautiful piercing blue. “I just remembered what I’ve always known but had forgotten. We are all One in the magnificent Mind of Our Father. We’re perfect, cannot sin, and we live forever. Jesus is not to be worshiped but deeply respected because he is our Eldest Brother and life outside of Heaven is impossible. We just think we’re living on earth due to the incredible power of our minds. This is true to us even though it’s false. We’re dreaming in Heaven and will awaken from our dream of separation once we have achieved perfection in forgiveness.” Robert went on to explain, “All the heartaches, pain, confusion, worry, anxieties, suffering, and the feeling of loss of love we experienced is because we have punished ourselves for thinking deep in our subconscious minds that we offended God. Finally, after seeing Jesus, I understand the truth that it is absolutely impossible to be separate from God in any way because we were made perfect by the One Who has always been perfect. If God made anything or anyone imperfect, Source would no longer be perfect. God is Love, and Love is the most powerful force in all creation.”
The librarian who had always studied and loved nature immediately understood another forgotten truth. “Yes Robert, the reason animals hibernate, spiders spin webs and the birds know when to migrate and fly in a V formation is because the Love and Order of God permeates all existence, always. The seasons are for the perpetuation and growth of all life and the magnificent rain forests operate in a beautiful perfect harmony,” Astoundingly she comprehended that, “All the animal kingdom understand the Christ Mind controls everything, this is simply who they are. We humans who were gifted with free will when we came to earth forgot the truth that we are not human beings but Christ Beings and this universal law is forever true.”
Robert, whose eyes just became even bluer, exclaimed, “We’re waking up in Heaven and when fully aware we’ll know that the life we thought we had lived was simply not true and in essence a script we had written before birth. The Holy Spirit is God’s third creation after Ours and was manifested to heal Our Magnificent Mind because we thought we had separated Ourselves from I AM.” Roberts' newfound Sister said, “Finally, I comprehend my family being killed in a car crash was something I had scripted to consciously understand the immense sense of loss I felt when I mistakenly thought I had rebelled against God. I now realize this is so very true. I completely remember that loss of love or separation of any kind is eternally impossible because this is not God’s Will and God’s Will is thankfully All There Is. We are all part of God’s Mind and have never nor ever will be forgotten.” Robert also recollects the extreme importance of forgiveness, “Ahnora, that’s my name for you even though names are no longer important, as we forgive others we are really forgiving ourselves for believing we offended the Source of all life. I am Love because I was created by Love, so are you, so is everyone. I now perceive what we are going to do for all eternity, forever and ever. We’ll be taught all that God knows. We will become who we truly are and will finally remember we are Co-Creators with God because God’s eternal nature is one of complete extension and giving. Furthermore, we’ll generate universes because Love’s primary function is to create.”
A nanosecond later, Bob, who is Robert, is sitting at his dining room table. He understands his drug experiment is winding down, but he must write everything so he’ll read and remember these truths when no longer tripping. Jesus appears at the other end of the table and looks somehow disappointed. Robert asks, “Why the somewhat unhappy countenance?” “I was looking forward to you thinking you’d become a mule who could drive a car and was searching for a 5th of Jack Daniel's because 25 beers will not be enough to stop Bob Hall from his forthcoming demise due to brain lesions.” “I’m thankfully over the insanity of my ego and am only listening to the Holy Spirit.” Jesus, who is no longer Elton John, softly explains, “My dear Brother, I’ve been with, nurtured, protected, taught and loved you from the moment you were born. The Holy Spirit has even condensed time for you because there were no longer lessons needed to learn. Gladimere was supposed to steal from you tomorrow, however, this will not occur because you have already totally forgiven another friend who stole from you in your imagined past. I have wonderful news, Source is going to wake you up in a cosmic instant very, very soon. You have totally mastered the lesson I came to teach. Some of my very last words while dying on the cross were, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” I said this for the benefit of those witnessing my death. The purpose being to teach the magnificent beauty of forgiveness and its extreme power. I knew the truth would be ingrained in the collective human psyche that I had forgiven even while being tortured and killed. Of course, our Father does not forgive because Source knows of nothing to forgive. I was dreaming, you are dreaming and will very soon joyfully awaken.”
Robert, who had to stop thinking he was Bob, asked, “What is true reality like?” The beautiful reply was, “I have saved and purified the remembrance of every single act you did out of love as gifts you’ll be astounded to understand. Every time you gave to the needy, returned too much change, held open a door, gave up your place in line, turned the other cheek, let others into your home and crash on your couch. So when you forgave a perceived ended romantic relationship, went the extra mile, gave at your own expense; you unconditionally loved. You will totally understand the beauty of your loving actions. You’ll become amazed just by gazing at the perfection of a single rose. Your five senses will become perfectly enhanced. You’ll see colors you’ve never seen, hear sounds you’ve never heard, taste foods that are perfectly delicious and touch items that will change form. Smells will mysteriously be as beautiful as colors. You’ll be astounded by the experience of perfect music. The wonderful surprises of meeting friends and loved ones from your earthy dream will be unending. You’ll master flight and totally understand your real and true education is just beginning. All the pain so patiently endured in time will be nothing but a memory and forgotten. You’ll understand the harmony, purity, and similarities of the macro-verse and the micro-verse. The massively enormous and minutely small are perfect in the physics they share. Love is the Force that governs and controls all. Forever. Loss, worry, depression, anxiety, or fear will no longer exist because these false emotions have never been true. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you have learned what you did not want. You’ll love knowing the truth that you are a Christ Being and thankfully no longer a frail and limited human being.”
Robert is gazing at the empty chair where Jesus had been sitting and begins fervently writing down everything he had just learned. After hours of writing, he finally collapsed into a deep sleep. Awakening, these scribbles might as well be Latin. He knew he’d learned profound eternal truths and had glimpsed at and understood Divine Wisdom. He didn’t understand that every single experience and learned truths are perfectly remembered in his subconscious.
The 7:00 AM work alarm clock went off and Bob knew he had awakened from an absolutely beautiful and amazing dream concerning a library. He had no idea about the specifics but remembered he must return an overdue book. God Is.
STANDBY TRAVEL - First in Series of Reflecting on days of future past
Is a collection of biographical memories of the past. The following personal words are inspired by a poem titled REFLECTION.
“I should have known!” He thought, reflecting on the future past.
A future now determined by past deeds and decisions, a future no longer a targeted destiny. Not worrying about the future, and staying in the current can be healthy, but it is like running a race wearing blinkers. Only focused on the destiny, inflexible, blinded from the surrounding journey, or the fading memories quickly moving into a forgotten past. With the future coming increasingly faster, reflecting on the future past, is it worth remembering?
The current doesn’t consider versions of oneself, a version influenced in childhood by important people, spirits that nurtured and cared for his early years, by events that carved and caused early impressions, from phobias to dreams, holding onto unrealistic ambitions.
Staying current, staying healthy, they say.
Was it the soup of his DNA, his natural characteristics combined with infantile influences that chartered the course, the journey, his destiny, his fate, his choices. How much choice and individuality did he bring to his life? He reflected on his future past.
The older version of himself looking back through upgrades and downgrades of his younger versions, his journey was never straightforward, but what does it teach us, he thought – reflecting on the future past.
Staying current is only healthy when you decide to block out the reflections of future past, the older wise version critiquing, creaking with old age, with a biased view of the future past.
“I should have known!” needs to be rewritten. “I did, I do, and don’t regret.”
The older current version of self, having the last words in reflecting on the future past.
A FEITICEIRA DE SHADOWTHORN (Elia de Gareth e As Crônicas de NightGlen)
A "antropologia da história" em "Elia de Gareth & As Crônicas de NightGlen" revela uma rica tapeçaria de temas culturais, históricos e mitológicos que se entrelaçam para criar uma narrativa complexa e envolvente. "Ao explorar a fundo essas conexões, eu tento oferece uma visão multifacetada do mundo de NightGlen ao leitor, onde o passado e o presente se encontram em uma dança eterna, celebrando a busca humana por significado e conexão."
Em “Elia de Gareth & As Crônicas de NightGlen”, eu busco transportar os leitores para um universo mágico onde forças obscuras ameaçam desestabilizar o reino de NightGlen e Grammaria, no mundo arcano. Assim como nas crônicas medievais, onde o bem e o mal travam batalhas épicas, Elia, uma poderosa conjuradora da luz, se vê diante de seu maior desafio.
A narrativa com novo enredo se desenrola antes dos acontecimentos de “As Crônicas de Elia de Gareth”, revelando um reino à beira do colapso. NightGlen, com as suas vastas paisagens, mansões e castelos antigos, relembra representações da Europa medieval, onde forças naturais e sobrenaturais muitas vezes se entrelaçavam na mente coletiva. Elia, como heroína arquetípica, deve reunir aliados improváveis – valentes guerreiros, criaturas mágicas e novos heróis – para enfrentar uma ameaça que transcende as fronteiras do seu domínio.
Entre os novos heróis introduzidos estão Finn, Lyanna, Seraphina, Elaydia, Liam e Lily. Cada um deles traz consigo uma história rica e uma motivação pessoal para se unir à causa de Elia, porém, em tempos e realidades diferentes.
Os paralelos com as rivalidades feudais são evidentes nas tensões entre as famílias Shadowthorn e Gareth, e agora, entre a família Svarttorn e Von Brown. Tal como os nobres medievais competiam por poder e influência, estas famílias encontram-se envolvidas em conflitos que ecoam através do tempo e dos universos. A Mansão Shadowthorn, com suas torres ameaçadoras, é descrita na história como um bastião de segredos misteriosos, evocando a arquitetura gótica e os cenários sombrios das fortalezas medievais.
Elia de Gareth, em sua busca, assemelha-se aos cavaleiros andantes das lendas, mergulhando em mistérios que transcendem o presente. Seu pai, Joe Gareth, é um personagem marcado pela consternação e pelos segredos do passado, refletindo as complexidades das dinastias e linhagens nobres. A jornada de Elia não é apenas física, mas também espiritual e psicológica, um processo de autodescoberta e de confronto com seus medos e dúvidas.
Ao longo da narrativa, somos apresentados a antigos duelos que ressoam com as práticas místicas e paladinos da Idade Média, onde o misticismo e a religião muitas vezes coexistiam num equilíbrio delicado. Elia testemunha batalhas que evocam os ritos de passagem e os mistérios de guildas e ordens secretas, imbuindo a história de um sentido de autenticidade histórica e cultural.
O casamento de Elia com Gareth e Darius Shadowthorn serve como um ponto de convergência onde as tensões familiares e rivalidades antigas atingem o seu clímax. A união das duas linhagens rivais lembra as alianças matrimoniais medievais, muitas vezes carregadas de significado político e social. A cerimônia, realizada na Mansão Shadowthorn, é um evento carregado de simbolismo, onde cada olhar e gesto está imbuído de significado histórico.
Os convidados, representando diferentes clãs e interesses, trocam olhares e sussurros, refletindo as complexas tramas de poder que caracterizavam as cortes medievais. Elia e Darius, em meio a esse tumulto, encontram momentos de fuga e intimidade, fortalecendo-se mutuamente contra as adversidades.
A narrativa de António Carlos Pinto, com a sua rica tapeçaria de personagens e acontecimentos, evoca histórias, lendas e culturas, que exploraram as profundezas da mente medieval em um universo alternativo, ao qual chama de reino ou mundo arcano. "As Crônicas de NightGlen" não é apenas uma história de ficção de fantasia, mas uma exploração das dinâmicas sociais, políticas e culturais que moldaram o mundo medieval, transpostas para um cenário mágico. É uma história de redenção e transformação, onde o amor e a coragem podem superar as adversidades e trazer luz a um reino em crise.
À medida que a cerimônia de casamento avança, Elia sente o peso das tradições ancestrais e das expectativas familiares. Cada detalhe, desde os trajes ornamentados às tradições que acompanham a união, está imbuído de simbolismo, refletindo as práticas e conceitos de uma sociedade profundamente enraizada no passado. Os votos trocados entre Elia e Darius não são apenas promessas pessoais, mas também pactos que visam selar a paz entre as suas linhagens. Mas, o que dizer de Agnes Svarttorn e Lily Von Brown que protagonizam novas rivalidades na história?
Depois do casamento, o banquete que se segue lembra as grandes celebrações medievais. A mesa principal, repleta de iguarias exóticas e pratos suntuosos, serve de palco para um desfile de cortesias e rivalidades ocultas. Os nobres e representantes das famílias Shadowthorn e Gareth trocam brindes e histórias, enquanto correntes de tensão permeiam a atmosfera. É um tempo de trégua, onde a política do Alto Conselho de NightGlen se entrelaça com a celebração e onde as alianças são forjadas ou testadas.
Elia, agora casada com Darius, assume um novo papel na intrincada rede de poder que define NightGlen e a área circundante do mundo arcano. Ela começa a explorar as antigas bibliotecas e arquivos secretos da Mansão Shadowthorn, em busca de conhecimento que possa ajudar a resolver conflitos persistentes e proteger seu reino (Grammaria) de ameaças externas. Sua jornada acadêmica e mágica relembra os esforços dos estudiosos medievais, que buscavam compreender o mundo através de textos antigos e ensinamentos esotéricos.
Os dias seguintes ao casamento são marcados por uma série de desafios. Elia e Darius enfrentam não só a desconfiança e a resistência das suas respectivas famílias, mas também uma onda crescente de ataques de forças opostas que parecem determinadas a desestabilizar NightGlen e todo o mundo arcano. Estes ataques, liderados por figuras enigmáticas que emergem das sombras, testam a coragem e a habilidade dos novos aliados.
Elia, investigando cada vez mais profundamente os segredos de sua linhagem, descobre a existência de um antigo artefato mágico que pode ser a chave para restaurar a paz em seu reino. Este artefato, perdido há séculos, é descrito em manuscritos antigos como um poderoso objeto de poder, capaz de unificar as forças do bem e do mal em um equilíbrio precário. A busca por esse artefato leva Elia e seus companheiros a explorar terras distantes e enfrentar desafios que evocam as grandes aventuras de heróis e heroínas medievais.
Durante esta busca, Elia vê-se confrontada com visões do seu passado e de possíveis futuros, cada uma oferecendo insights sobre a natureza do seu destino e o papel que ela deve desempenhar. Estas visões são povoadas por figuras históricas e míticas, que oferecem conselhos e advertências, enriquecendo ainda mais a tapeçaria narrativa com camadas de simbolismo e significado.
A jornada épica culmina em um confronto final, onde Elia e seus aliados enfrentam as forças das trevas em uma batalha que determinará o destino de NightGlen. Este confronto, descrito com intensidade vívida e detalhada, relembra as grandes batalhas descritas nas canções e crônicas medievais, onde a bravura individual e a estratégia coletiva se combinam para decidir o curso da história.
No final, “Elia de Gareth & As Crônicas de NightGlen” oferece não apenas uma narrativa envolvente e rica em detalhes, mas também uma reflexão profunda sobre os temas de poder, identidade e redenção. Antonio Carlos Pinto, ao adaptar esta história fascinante, não só presta homenagem às tradições da narrativa medieval, mas também oferece uma nova visão, onde conflitos ancestrais e lutas pessoais se entrelaçam num conto de magia e mistério.
Esta obra, com a sua combinação de narrativa épica e análise cultural, capta a essência da história medieval explorada pelos historiadores, trazendo à luz as complexidades e maravilhas de um mundo onde o passado e o presente se encontram numa dança eterna. "Elia de Gareth" convida os leitores a se perderem em um universo onde cada sombra guarda um segredo e cada luz revela uma nova verdade, celebrando a eterna busca humana por significado e conexão.
As Origens
A origem do mundo arcano remonta a tempos imemoriais, quando os primeiros seres, conhecidos como os Antigos, emergiram das profundezas da terra. Estes seres possuíam um conhecimento inigualável da magia e estabeleceram os fundamentos das artes arcanas que ainda hoje permeiam a vida em Grammaria, Miriardes, Gareth's e NightGlen.
Os Antigos eram entidades de imenso poder, cujas formas e essências transcendiam a compreensão mortal. Diz-se que eram compostos de pura energia mágica, capazes de moldar o tecido da realidade com um simples pensamento. No início, o mundo era um caos informe, um vasto mar de energias primordiais. Os Antigos, com sua sabedoria e poder, começaram a dar forma a esse caos, criando terras, mares, céus e, eventualmente, as criaturas que habitariam esse novo mundo.
Estabeleceram vastas cidades de cristal e pedra, alimentadas por fontes de energia mágica. Estas cidades, conhecidas como Cidadelas Arcanas, eram centros de aprendizado e poder, onde o conhecimento das artes arcanas era passado de geração em geração. Os Antigos escreveram os primeiros tomos de magia, gravando seu conhecimento em runas e símbolos que apenas os iniciados poderiam compreender.
Com o passar dos milênios, os Antigos começaram a perceber que seu tempo no mundo material estava chegando ao fim. Antes de se retirarem para planos superiores de existência, decidiram compartilhar seu conhecimento com os seres mortais. Escolheram indivíduos de grande potencial em Grammaria, Miriardes, Gareth's e NightGlen, ensinando-lhes os segredos das artes arcanas e confiando-lhes a responsabilidade de preservar e expandir esse conhecimento.
Dessas civilizações emergiram os primeiros magos e feiticeiros, que se tornaram os guardiões do legado dos Antigos. Eles fundaram escolas de magia, onde os ensinamentos antigos eram passados adiante. Essas instituições tornaram-se pilares das sociedades mágicas, influenciando a cultura, a política e a vida cotidiana.
Em Miriardes, a Grande Biblioteca Arcana foi construída, abrigando milhares de manuscritos e pergaminhos escritos pelos próprios Antigos. Gareth’s tornou-se conhecida por suas Torres de Cristal, onde os magos estudavam os mistérios do tempo e do espaço. Grammaria, com suas vastas florestas encantadas, era um centro de magia natural, onde druidas e magos viviam em harmonia com a natureza, aprendendo a canalizar as forças vitais da terra. NightGlen, com seus castelos sombrios e montanhas misteriosas, era o lar de feiticeiros que exploravam os limites entre a luz e as trevas, buscando o equilíbrio entre as forças opostas.
Embora os Antigos tenham desaparecido das vistas mortais, sua presença ainda é sentida em todo o mundo arcano. Vestígios de suas cidades perduram, muitas vezes escondidos em lugares remotos e protegidos por poderosos encantamentos. Artefatos de imenso poder, criados pelos Antigos, ainda são encontrados ocasionalmente, cada um carregando uma fração do poder primordial que moldou o mundo.
Lendas falam de um tempo em que os Antigos retornarão, quando o mundo mais precisar deles, para restaurar o equilíbrio e guiar os mortais em uma nova era de iluminação. Até então, cabe aos magos e feiticeiros de Grammaria, Miriardes, Gareth's e NightGlen honrar o legado dos Antigos, preservando o conhecimento e a magia que formam a espinha dorsal de suas sociedades.
A memória dos Antigos é um lembrete constante do potencial ilimitado da magia e da responsabilidade que vem com tal poder. Eles não eram apenas criadores, mas também os primeiros mestres, cuja sabedoria e visão continuam a inspirar gerações de magos, feiticeiros e estudiosos do arcano. Em cada feitiço lançado, em cada ritual realizado, a essência dos Antigos vive, moldando o destino do mundo arcano para sempre.
Os Antigos
- Descrição: Seres altos e etéreos, com olhos brilhantes e peles que variavam entre tons de prata e azul.
- Cultura: Acreditava-se que eram imortais e tinham uma conexão profunda com a natureza. Eles eram os guardiões do conhecimento arcano e viviam em cidades flutuantes escondidas entre as nuvens.
A Era dos Reinos
Com o passar dos milênios, os Antigos compartilharam seus conhecimentos com outras raças emergentes, como os humanos, elfos e anões. Esta era foi marcada pela formação de reinos e cidades-estado, cada um com suas próprias especializações mágicas e culturais.
Reino de Gareth's
- Geografia: Uma cidade pequena, cercada por muralhas antigas, com ruas de paralelepípedos e edifícios de pedra.
- Economia: Conhecida por suas forjas e comércio de metais preciosos.
- Cultura: A vida em Gareth's é centrada em festivais sazonais, como a Festa da Colheita, que celebra a fartura e a união comunitária.
- Geografia: Uma cidade envolta em mistérios, situada em um vale profundo e sombreado, frequentemente coberto por névoa e céu nublado.
- Economia: Famosa por suas ervas raras e poções mágicas, é a única cidade de todo reino arcano a ter uma escola de ensinamentos místicos e paladinos.
- Cultura: Os habitantes de NightGlen são conhecidos por sua sabedoria herbal, poderes místicos e práticas de cura, além de uma rica tradição de lendas e contos de fadas.
As Artes Arcanas
A magia é a força vital que permeia todas as coisas em Miriardes. Ela é dividida em várias escolas, cada uma com seus próprios adeptos e especializações.
Runas e Encantamentos
- Descrição: As runas são símbolos mágicos que canalizam o poder arcano. Os encantadores inscrevem essas runas em armas, armaduras e até na própria pele.
- Praticantes Famosos: Cavaleiros como Alfie, que carregam runas em seus corpos, ganhando força e habilidades sobrenaturais.
Poções e Alquimia
- Descrição: A criação de poções mágicas envolve o uso de ingredientes raros e fórmulas secretas. Alquimistas são respeitados por suas habilidades de transformar substâncias comuns em elixires poderosos.
- Praticantes Famosos: Os herbalistas de NightGlen, que combinam ciência e magia para curar e proteger.
Conflitos e Alianças
Ao longo da história, os reinos enfrentaram inúmeras guerras e conflitos, muitas vezes motivados pelo desejo de controlar fontes de poder mágico. Contudo, também houve períodos de paz e cooperação, onde alianças foram formadas para enfrentar ameaças comuns, como invasões de criaturas sombrias ou catástrofes naturais.
A Guerra das Runas
- Descrição: Um conflito devastador entre reinos rivais que lutavam pelo controle de uma antiga fortaleza arcana, onde se acreditava que um artefato de poder inimaginável estava escondido.
- Consequências: A guerra resultou em uma grande perda de vidas e no enfraquecimento das nações envolvidas, levando à formação de uma aliança frágil para reconstruir e manter a paz.
A Aliança dos Cinco Reinos
- Descrição: Uma coalizão formada por Gareth, NightGlen, e outros três reinos menores para promover a paz e a prosperidade compartilhada.
- Objetivo: Fomentar o comércio, intercâmbio de conhecimento mágico, e defesa mútua contra ameaças externas.
Religião e Crenças
A espiritualidade é uma parte intrínseca da vida em Miriardes. As crenças variam amplamente entre os reinos, mas geralmente incluem a veneração dos Antigos e espíritos naturais.
Deuses e Espíritos
- Os Antigos: Ainda reverenciados como divindades, acredita-se que eles observam e influenciam o mundo dos mortais.
- Espíritos da Natureza: Seres menores, ligados a elementos naturais como florestas, rios e montanhas, que são frequentemente invocados em rituais de proteção e bênçãos.
Festividades Religiosas
- Festa da Colheita: Celebrada em Gareth, marcando a abundância e homenageando os espíritos da terra.
- Noite das Runas: Uma festividade em NightGlen, onde os habitantes gravam runas de proteção em suas portas e compartilham histórias de heróis e antigas lendas.
O mundo arcano é um caldeirão de culturas, tradições e magia. Sua história é marcada por grandes feitos, lutas épicas e um profundo respeito pelo poder arcano. Cada reino, com suas peculiaridades e contribuições únicas, forma a tapeçaria vibrante e complexa deste universo fascinante. Explorando suas lendas e mistérios, descobrimos que, apesar das diferenças, há um fio comum que une todos: a busca pelo conhecimento, a proteção de seus povos e a esperança de um futuro melhor.
Saiba mais em: https://clubedeautores.pt/livro/a-feiticeira-de-shadowthorn