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Mutant Message Down Under

Mutant Message Down Under

Consider reading “Mutant Message Down Under.” The author is Marlo Morgan, non-fiction. I read it years ago and still utilize a prayer it taught me. She was a healthcare professional and did a lot of charitable work for the Aborigines in Australia.  After several years, she was given an honor never offered. The Aborigines asked her to come to an awards ceremony. She flew to Australia and drove hours out into the vast desert  to meet them. The first thing they did was burn her clothes, wallet, credit cards and have her dress as they do. The Chief offered her a great honor, to live with them for 3 moons, which is 3 months, in the desert. She accepted and after the first day of walking, had second thoughts. Her feet were bloodied and blistered as she was barefoot. The ladies put some natural salves on which healed better than any pharmaceutical would have. She was walking the next day with no pain, her feet became very calloused.

What she witnessed was astounding. They communicate via telepathy. She had been a moon in when the chief unusually stopped the tribe. He had received a message in his mind. The hunter had  become ill after killing a kangaroo. He asked permission to cut off the tail so it would be lighter to carry. After several days  he came into camp with the tailless kangaroo and was very sick. Two weeks later a man  fell off a 30 foot cliff and shattered the femur in his leg. The largest bone in the body had broken through his skin and was snapped in two. Marlo witnessed what the tribe healer did. After administering the same salve, she placed her hands around the injury. Astonishingly an energy of light came from her hands to the fracture and the bone mended together with the skin covering over. The very next day he was walking normally as if nothing had happened. The exact same injury happened to me, I was in orthopedics for 3 months and off work a year. She observed many other astounding occurrences that left her amazed with how spiritual they are. The entire tribe has a deep connection with the Divine thus explaining the miracles she witnessed. The Aborigines own no property or homes. They’re  extremely healthy and live very long lives. The society experiences no wars or crime. They have no prisons, no hospitals,  no governments and no drug problems. They refer to us as mutants because we live soft, sheltered lives with little or no interest in God. 

What I thankfully learned was how they pray. Every morning they petition, “Great Spirit, for my highest good and the highest good of all, please help us find substance to survive.” They live in the middle of a vast and desolate desert. 

Fifteen years ago my unemployment had ended. I was forced into bankruptcy and lost two properties. I had to rent and after two years the owner informed me I must move because the rental was being sold. My credit rating was shattered because of the bankruptcy thus I could not find any rental complex to approve me. I was desperate and had just finished reading Mutants. I thought OK, let's try this. I prayed, “Holy Spirit, for my highest good and the highest good of all, please find me a job and a place to live.” That very day, I found a job and a place to live.  Please understand and pray from the heart. The Holy Spirit knows what you truly need. If you pray for a new car, I doubt anything will happen. I recently started a nightly prayer, especially when my mind is churning. I pray, “Holy Spirit, for my highest good and the highest good of all, please grant perfection in listening to the Sacred Silence between my thoughts.” Try this. You may not immediately experience what I do, but you will  find yourself asking fewer  questions and a growing awareness of God's Infinite Love and Peace. 

A peaceful mind is no small gift. Remember, God is changeless and loves you the same today as the moment you were born. Our growing awareness is a great blessing, a miracle. As we learn to love ourselves because we were created by love we start extending unconditional love to others. Always give to those in need, expecting nothing in return. A growing peaceful mind should also be extended by never becoming upset. When another strikes you either physically or verbally, they expect you to strike back. When you don’t, you’ll really upset their mental apple cart because you’re doing the exact opposite of what they expected. Just maybe, if they’re on the receiving end down the road, they’ll act differently remembering your response. This is what Jesus referred to as turning the other cheek. The Aborigines enjoy extremely peaceful lives because of their strong and unwavering faith in God. I learned a great deal from Marlo’s manuscript and the wisdom shared has increased my quality of life.


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The human being has been alive on Earth for quite some time now. There are three main schools of philosophy in the world: 1. CREATION, 2. EVOLUTION, AND 3. THE SEED FROM OTHER WORLDS. Creation adheres to the Teachings of The Holy Bible, The Book of Enoch, and all the Sacred Books; Evolution adheres to the teachings of Satan, and Humanistic Science; and The Seed From Other Worlds adheres to the Teachings of The Sumerian Texts, and The Lost Book of Enki. I am going to present to you a mixed view of the world in a philosophical standpoint: CREATION & THE SEED FROM OTHER WORLDS. According to the Holy Bible, there is only one kingdom ruled by THE SUPREME GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. This God made the entire universe with The Word Spoken by His Mouth. Henceforth, UNIVERSE means: The Spoken Word of God. Adonai made two realms: The Spiritual Realm, and the Physical Realm, One Heaven and One Earth. God never mentions any other worlds with life, but the Lost Book of Enki does: Nibiru. God only created two sciences: THE TRUTH AND THE LIE. God made two beings with life: 1. The Spiritual Beings, and 2. The Physical Beings. The Spiritual Beings refer to all the invisible, angelic realm who reside in Heaven, and the Physical Beings refer to Mankind, who reside on Earth. God made billions upon billions of stars, or angelical beings, which include the GALAXIES, that are groups of millions of stars, and the CONSTELLATIONS, which are groups of stars around a represented deity. All the stars in the heavens are contained in THE ZODIAC. Zodiac means: The Arch of the Zoo, since all the Zodiac signs are represented by beasts, or animals in resemblance to the angelic beings in Heaven. These angelic beings don’t come from Heaven, but they come to rule the Earth from Nibiru, another world in the Solar System. BEAST: Hybrid being half human, and half animal. The only angels that look like human beings are called: THE WATCHERS OF THE UNIVERSE, the rest of the angels have horrific, weird, terrible, and striking appearance of hybrid beings, gargoyles, dragons, serpents, alligators, reptiles, dogs, pigs, long tailed yemim, dulanuth, keephas, and ducheephath. The rank of the angels is the following: The Archangels, the Holy Chayot, the Seraphim, the Ofanim, the Cherubim, the Galgallim, the Four-Headed Angels, the Many-Eyed Thrones, the Shining Otanim, the Archangels More Radiant than the Sun, the Phoenixes, the Khalkedras, the dominions, the virtues, the powers, and principalities, the Yemim, the Sulanuth, the Keephas, the Ducheephath, and the Stars (common angels). The Zodiacal deities are the following: Aries, Taurus, Geminis, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. One shar equals 3,600 Earth years: 121.66  shars ago the Nibireans from Planet Nibiru came down to Earth to mine for gold to fix their firmament, and to build their cities of gold, silver, precious woods, precious metals, and precious stones, just like HEAVEN. Since Earth was totally void of human beings, they brought a working class known as THE GRIGORI, who measured less than 200 feet in height, gray skin, slanted brown eyes, brown, and blond hair, crooked, eagle noses, and elongated skulls. The Anunnaki bosses, sons of King Anu: Enlil, Enki, Ninma, and Ninhurzag, established a gold transfer station in Mars, and a gold refining station in the Moon. The miners born in the Moon were known as: THE IGIGI, which means: Originary from the Navel of the Moon. The exhausting rigors, and dangers of mining on Earth, made the Igigi to start revolting against their Anunnaki bosses. Enki, the son of King Anu from Nibiru, decided to create a tough, rough, and resilient working race by mixing the DNA of the Igigi, and the DNA of an aboriginal Earthly animal: THE CHIMPANZEE. The newly created race is known today as THE MEXICANS (the aborigenes of Mexico, not the immigrants from Spain), who have dark skin, black hair, slanted dark eyes, eagle’s noses, and elongated skulls, as well as the MAYANS.  The meaning of the word MEXICO means: Originary from the Navel of the Moon. The Anunnaki needed to create a managing class of mine workers, who were bigger in stature, better looking, and with high IQ, therefore, Enki mixed his own DNA with the chimp DNA, and Ninma, his sister, incubated it in her uterus, fashioning the FIRST ADAM called ADAMU. They proceeded to take a rib from Adamu, and created EVE, or TIAMAT. The intelligence quotient of the new Earthlings was too slow to learn Metallurgy nor the Science of Mining, and Smelting Metals, therefore, Enki decided to marry two of their daughters; the first one gave birth to THE SECOND ADAM called ADAPA, and the second daughter gave birth to the SECOND EVE, called TITI. The ten generations of the Second Adam and Eve are the ones recorded in the Holy Bible: Adapa and Titi gave birth to Cain and Abel. The Earthlings were called: THE BLACK HEADED PEOPLE. Cain killed Abel with a stone because Enki favored Abel, which caused Cain to be exiled to the East to a Land of Wandering at the end of the world. Adapa and Titi bore another son called: Sati (The One Who Likes Mines), Sati (Biblical Seth) married his sister Azura, who bore Enchi (Biblical Enosh), the Master of Humanity, and was taught all the secrets of the Anunnaki by Nannar, and Ishkar. Enchi and his sister Noun bore Konan (Biblical Cainan), who was tutored in the operation of furnace, and kiln; how to use betterments to make fire, and how to smelt, and refine metal. In the 99 shar Konan had a son with his sister Mulit, and named him Malalu (Biblical Mahalaleel). In the 100 shar Malalu and Duna had a son Irid (Biblical Jared). Anunnaki Dumuzi, son of Enki, taught Irid how to dig wells in the meadows to provide water for the flocks. At the end of the 102 shar, Irid (Jared) and his wife Berakah bore a son: Enkimi (Biblical Enoch), who was celestially educated on celestial matters, and was eager to explore the heavens. Enkimi (Enoch) and his wife Edimi had a son named Mathusel (Biblical Mathuselah). Enkimi went to a second journey to the moon to visit the Igigi with Marduk. When Enkimi arrived, he was sent to Sippar (the Place of the Celestial Chariots) to be instructed by god Utu, and he was appointed The Prince of the Earthlings, and taught the functions of priesthood. Enkimi went on a second journey to the heavens, and spent the rest of his days in the heavens making a record of all that he had learnt. Mathusel and Edna had a son named Lamak (Biblical Lamech). Lamak had a wife named Vatinesh, who Enki lusted after, Enki impregnated Vatinesh, and had a son named Ziusudra (Noah). The Anunnaki needed to create a supreme race, who would be the thinkers, and the scientists, and teachers of humanity, thus, they mixed their Nibirean DNA with the fowl of the Earth, creating Thoth, who was half Nibirean half Ibis, Horus, who was half Nibirean half eagle, Huron, who was half Nibirean half falcon, etc… In the 93 shar Anunnaki Marduk decided to marry Sarpanit, the sister of Methuselah, and a great congregation of Earthlings assembled for Marduk’s wedding. At the same time the Igigi had a revolt in the refineries in the Moon, and 200 of them came in their chariots of fire down to Earth to take over THE MISSION CONTROL CENTER. Shemihaza was their leader, and they were known as: THE WATCHERS OF THE UNIVERSE,  and they made a pact known as HERMON, to abduct 200 female Earthlings, and have children with them. The mix of the Igigi and the Earthlings created a new monstrous race the size of mountains known as: THE NEPHILIM or THE CHILDREN OF THE ROCKETSHIPS. The souls of the Nephilim are known as PLANETS or DEMONS. The Watchers flying their spaceships, proceeded to abduct from the Earth 200 species of land animals, 200 species of fish, 200 species of fowl, and 200 species of plants, and mixed all the species of the Earth in order to provoke THE SUPREME GOD OF THE UNIVERSE.

THE SECRET SCIENCE OF THE BIBLE BY HENRY ENRIX: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Science-Discover-Secrets-Universe/dp/B08V9G1GTT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1R019GC7T7C1A&keywords=the+secret+science+of+the+bible+by+henry+enrix&qid=1698617948&sprefix=the+secret+science+of+the+bible+by+henry+enrix%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-1

A new sci-fi series for adults.

Dear Friend, 

 You’ve yet to read my story, but in the beginning, I was an ordinary girl who was probably too gullible for my own good. Since the death of my father at the hands of a Jelvia called Narcifer, I grew up dramatically. I had no choice.

 Six years ago, we were hit with a collective illusion that inserted new memories into our brains. These newly formed memories superseded our old ones. With our existence distorted, an alien nation implanted itself within our world.

 They call themselves Jelvias. They might even appear friendly, but they’re not.

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 Some people side with Jelvias, believing they’re poorly treated by the government. The worst are journalists, and one such reporter has lined herself so tightly into the Jelvian world I feel she isn’t going to get out alive.

 Macy Shaw, you must wake up. Your memories are false. Earth has been invaded by an alien presence, and it feels like I’m the only one who knows about it.

 Li Jing Zmin

The Book Blast Boost: A Tale of Three Words

Once upon a time, in a world not so different from our own, there lived a young girl named Alice. She was an avid reader and spent most of her free time exploring the vast realms of the written word. Alice's favorite pastime was to visit the local library and lose herself in the endless stacks of books.

One day, as she was wandering through the library, she stumbled upon a peculiar book with a worn, leather cover. The title read, "The Book Blast Boost." Intrigued by the unusual name, Alice took the book to a quiet corner and began to read.

The story was about a kingdom ruled by a powerful and wise queen. The kingdom was known for its vast collection of books and the people's love for reading. However, a mysterious curse had befallen the kingdom, causing the books to lose their magic and the people to lose their passion for reading.

Determined to save her kingdom, the queen sought the help of three magical creatures: the Book, the Blast, and the Boost. The Book was a wise old tome that knew the secrets of the written word. The Blast was a fiery creature that could ignite the passion for reading in the hearts of the people. The Boost was a powerful being that could amplify the magic of the books.

Together, the Book, the Blast, and the Boost embarked on a quest to break the curse and restore the kingdom's love for reading. They traveled through enchanted forests, crossed treacherous mountains, and braved the depths of dark caves. Along the way, they encountered many challenges, but their determination never wavered.

Finally, they reached the heart of the curse, a dark, swirling vortex that threatened to consume the kingdom. The Book, the Blast, and the Boost joined hands and combined their powers. A blinding light filled the sky, and a powerful blast of energy swept through the kingdom, breaking the curse and restoring the magic of the books.

The people of the kingdom rejoiced and once again embraced their love for reading. The queen was overjoyed and forever grateful to the Book, the Blast, and the Boost. She declared a grand celebration in their honor, and the kingdom was filled with joy and laughter.

Alice closed the book and smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness. She realized that the power of books, the passion for reading, and the magic of stories could overcome any challenge and bring people together. From that day on, she cherished her time with books even more, knowing that they held the key to a world of endless possibilities.

And so, the tale of the Book Blast Boost became a beloved story in the kingdom, reminding everyone of the importance of reading and the magic it holds.

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