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  • Callie's Revolution

Callie's Revolution

Callie's Revolution

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Callie Masterson is a respected journalist at the Houston Chronicle in the year of 1916. But she wants more. Pancho Villa gives her the chance she's been waiting for. Rumors of an imminent invasion send the gutsy twenty-four year old reporter to a tiny border town in New Mexico. She seizes the opportunity to be a part of the most tumultuous events of the new century by way of her pen, and sometimes her Colt 45. Flirting with death as readily as with men, Callie always keeps her sights on the truth of what she observes.   In the process, she undergoes a revolution of her own, and is forever changed  Callie Masterson is the ultimate revolutionary in the young Twentieth Century. She leaps into her destiny on the fastest horse in Mexico and never looks back.

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