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  • The Festival of Sin and other tales of fantasy

The Festival of Sin and other tales of fantasy

The Festival of Sin and other tales of fantasy

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Five stories of fantasy plus a complete novella—

 The Festival of Sin

A trio of stories about an ancient astronaut long removed from Earth, the strange worlds and peoples he encounters, and his quest to belong—

 The Florentine Mirror

      A mirror that holds a deadly secret of long-ago treachery and tragedy—

 The Cabbage Patch

Coma patients discover a strange limbo where they are able to see the world in a new light—


A novella about a man who struggles to come to terms with an extraordinary power, and the magic beneath his fingers—

 Unrue is a unique and powerful voice who understands the human condition and writes with humor, warmth, and unerring honesty…

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The Festival of Sin and other tales of fantasy


Five stories of fantasy plus a complete novella—

 The Festival of Sin

A trio of stories about an ancient astronaut long removed from Earth, the strange worlds and peoples he encounters, and his quest to belong—

 The Florentine Mirror

A mirror that holds a deadly secret of long ago treachery and tragedy—

 The Cabbage Patch

Coma patients discover a strange limbo where they are able to see the world in a new light—


A novella about a man who struggles to come to terms with an extraordinary power, and the magic beneath his fingers—

 Unrue is a unique and powerful voice who understands the human condition and writes with humor, warmth, and unerring honesty…

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