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  • The Price of True Love: A Tale of Soman and Neha

The Price of True Love: A Tale of Soman and Neha

The Price of True Love: A Tale of Soman and Neha

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Discover what readers are saying about this book (4.7 rating; 19 Global Reviews) ...

  1. Just when I thought I'd read it all, this gem proved me wrong. I loved the cleanliness of it, making it suitable for all ages, and the murder mystery with Soman's fight to regain his good name of innocence held my attention throughout the book.
  2. Very interesting novel. Once you start the book, you are compelled to finish it. I really enjoy the tale full of romance, betrayal, and mystery. This is a book that everyone should read.

In the gripping sequel to "A Tale of Rohan and Maya," prepare to embark on a thrilling journey of love, betrayal, and mystery. "The Price of True Love: A Tale of Soman and Neha" delves into the tragic tale of Neha and Soman, where their once passionate love story takes a dark twist.

Neha is found dead under mysterious circumstances, and all fingers point to Soman, her former lover. Soman is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, but doubts linger. Did Soman truly commit the heinous crime, or is another murderer hiding in the shadows?

Readers will be captivated by the intricate web of romance, deceit, and unexpected revelations as the story unfolds. Follow Soman's relentless pursuit to prove his innocence, navigating through the labyrinth of secrets and unexpected alliances. With each turn of the page, the truth becomes more elusive, and the price of true love grows higher.

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