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The RealPurpose of this NU~TruCourse is to Provide a RealEducation for EveryOne to Be Able to Seee for ThemSelves what is Actually Taking Place on This Planet Earth and Thru ALL the Levels&Dimensions of Creation.  DUANU IS Doing His part to HELP SAVE PLANET EARTH NOW!  Each one of US have been ‘told&taught’ a lot of misleading stories about History and also WHY We are Here.  With this FreeeCourse EveryOne can Learn to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient for ThemSelves with No Authorities Ever!  The ‘INTUITIVE SEEEING SURVIVAL SESSIONS’  Contact with a Friend Request to: DUANE HEPPNER www.duanethegreatwriter.net  (110) Intuitive Seeeing Survival Sessions - YouTube



“The so-called ‘mysteries’ of a Person’s Dreams have always intrigued many who are unaware of what is actually taking place while a Person’s PhysicalBody is sleeping.  The ‘dream’ idea was invented, just like ‘conspiracy theory’ by Those Who KONtrol Others-TWKO, as a means to keep unaware people and other body-types away from Knowing that their so-called ‘dreams’ actually refer to Another Dimension, a Portal, an Opening to Start to WakeUP to more than just the struggling&suffering as slaves in Creation.  WHY would anyone want to stay unaware and Keep Reincarnating Here Again&Again for Nothing?  Why… because unaware people have been indoctrinated to ‘think’ that there are ‘gods&saviors’ that will take care of them after this life is over.  AnyOne can learn to meet their so-called gods in OtherDimensions who are actually Tricksters who created the BusinessWorlds and the CONtrivedSystems of Drudgery.  UNawarePeople do not know they are Operating FiveBodies in This CreationBubble for The TruPurpose of a Complete WakeUP with ALLLife.  The so-called ‘dream-body’ they are experiencing is actually known as the AstralBody that can be projected from the PhysicalBody, and unaware people ‘think’ this SecondBody is their soul.   EveryOne can Learn to Seee what is actually taking place throughout ALL of Creation, as the ‘marketed Ideas’ from WorldKONtrollers is Not what unaware people ‘think’ it is.  EveryOne can See for Themselves and Freee ThemSelves from ALL Creational Restrictions!  It is understandable that unaware people usually cannot imagine or Seee anything more than what they have been MindFramed with.  EveryOne has Their Own Unique ALLNaturALL IntuitiveSenses~IS, and as more people Learn to SeeeBeyond This CreationSimulator, there will be More Aware People who can Help Save This Planet Earth Now!  SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ & BeMoreAware IS ALLNU & ALLNATURALL.  Singing ‘NU~U~U~U’ Helps EveryOne Become MoreAware.  While the PhysicalBody Sleeps Pay Attention to Your ‘IS~Visions’ as there are Always NUMessages that can Equal MorAwarenisss for You to Better WakeUP.  ALLNATURALL IS REALLL.  ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS~YOUR REALAWARENISSS.  Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype & Join The NUSkype ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS~ISSS’  www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.net




For Your PersonallyCreated Consciousness, What IS ALLNATURALL MakesSense, because as EveryOne Focuses on What IS ALLNATURALL they will Begin to Heal ThemSelves Realistically without any fabricated medications.  As Your Primary Focus IS with the Oceans, Rivers, Sky, Sun, Trees, Plants, Birds, Animals, and Especially YourSelf&Others, You become part of What IS ALLNATURALL and Supports EveryOne, then there is No need for Discrimination, NO Competition, NO Striving&Stress, NO need for Authorities who create Restrictions, NO need for Anything UNnatural.  As the BusinessWorld has progressed, EveryThing on This Planet Earth has become Polluted&Poisoned and unaware people have been instigated to fight against each other and create ‘borders’ around This World which has equaled a Huge Discrimination & Huge Burden for ALL People Here.  How Many People Actually Realize This Fully?  We can Each Decide a BetterLife with ALLLife, and Who Will Do This?  AnyOne can try this for ThemSelves, and that is to Fully Focus on What IS ALLNATURALL while still doing their daily routines.  Of course, anything worthwhile takes time.   And so, Does it MakeSense to Do Something Real with What IS ALLNATURALL While Living on This Planet Earth before it is all turned into ruin?  WWWE ~ Wonderful WorldWide Educators Really Care about This Planet Earth Now!  StepUP with US & Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient with YOUR INTUITIVE SENSES that SuperSeee anything You can consider with Your PersonalMind.  Contact: Valdis Vitols, Kelsey Lynne Brown, NU Kevin Smith, Jeremy Figueroa, DuanEva & Many Others on Facebook & Other SocialMedias to get Started to WakingUP ALL The Way Now with What ALLLIFEIS NOW!   This is WHY You came Here, and it was Not about how to ‘get a job’ and be distracted from The RealU and Your ENDlISSS FREEE AWARENISSS.  TAKE THE RISK & LEARN TO SEEE FOR YOURSELF!  CONTACT: DUANE THE GREAT WRITE*SEEER on SKYPE: DUANE HEPPNER for ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS’ www.duanethegreatwriter.net 




“UNaware Programmed ‘Know it ALL’ MindFramed BodyTypes are ALL Over This Planet and are constantly ‘thinking’ according to how they have been indoctrinated, and that is… They have been Seduced to Agree to what is Not ALLNaturALL & SelfDestructive, which is More Than Obvious Right in Front of Everyone Here!  Fortunately, Not Everyone Agrees with Their PersonalProgramming and has Decided to Be Creative & Beneficial with an ALLNaturALL LifeStyle Living.  This is a Huge Challenge for those who want to Produce&Consume ALLNaturALL RealFood&RealWater and Especially Breath RealAir without any injected pollutants&poisons!  What the UNaware BodyTypes Do Not Know is that They Can Have Whatever They Want Without Poisoning&Destroying what ALLNaturALLY Supports THEM & EVERYONE HERE.  What Cannot be Seeen with a ‘framed-mind’ is THE ALLLAWARENISSS ALLLIFEIS.  Creation is ‘something made-up’ as a Little Tiny Pl;ace with ALLLife that has been purposely setup as Cause&Effect Agitation to Bother ALL of US into WakingUP to WHAT IS ALLNATURALL & REALLL, and Most of ALL, WHAT ALLLIFEIS that must be Recogn’IS’ed&Seeen for What IT IS, and cannot be understood in any way with a person’s Personality ProgrammedMind.  This is where the indoctrinated ‘know-it-alls’ Do Not Know WHY they are Here, and where they came from, and where they are going!  THE NUNOWISSS ALLLIFEIS with REBISAR&DUNUEVA Provides The RealConnection & RealGuidance for The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, to WakeUP ALL The Way and Learn to SEEE&BE in THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS where there are NO Invented Authorities as there has been in CreatedCreation.  The Process of Creation is important and Very Temporary, as is eons of time that have already passed, which ALL of US have been a part into THE NUNOWNISSS NOW to BECOME ALLLAWARE! IT IS a Huge Process to get thru Creation with Your PersonalSelf and to eventually Recogn’IS’e The RealU Operating Your FiveBodies and the UnSeeen TapLining in Your UnSeeen Bodies that has to be faced and dealt with!  Who has The RealCourage to StepUP & Face This to get themselves thru Restricting Creation into REALLL UNIVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS with NO Authorities Ever!  REBISAR&DUNUEVA & REALLL UNUVERSALLL GUIDES are Here to Guide EveryOne Beyond Their Restrictions to SEEE ALLLIFE NOW!  So, basically… What You Know is Not Real, and What You Do Not Know IS~REALLL!  Here IS the Biggest Challenge of Your Life, and that is to find out WHY You Came Here, and What You are Doing Here, and Where You are Going.  You&YU Came Here to FigureOut YourSelf and then eventually Recogn’IS’e The RealU.  This is WHY You came Here, and it was Not about how to ‘get a job’ and be distracted from The RealU and Your ENDlISSS FREEE AWARENISSS.  TAKE THE RISK & LEARN TO SEEE FOR YOURSELF!  CONTACT: DUANE THE GREAT WRITE*SEEER on SKYPE: DUANE HEPPNER for ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS’  www.duanethegreatwriter.net




“What each person ‘knows’ is what they Know.  This is how what has been created in Creation has been created.  It has ALL been Created From Nothing!  What You Know is from what You have been Told & Experienced for YourSelf & The RealU.  As You, the PersonalYou, has been Created from another BodyPerson, You have Formulated Your Personal Consciousness according to what You Have Decided so far, and mainly along the lines of the ‘invented systems’ that have been created to Purposely Kontrol You&Everyone Here.  The NUNOW ALLLIFEIS is about Using Your ‘INTUITIVE SENSES’ to Freee YourSelf from ALL CreatedRestrictions.  With What IS ALLNATURALL there is NO Kontrol, and with what has been created to ‘appear’ to be something has been created as such to Kontrol&Restrict Everyone Here, and to have unaware people Stay UNaware of Their TruPotential That ‘IS’ FarMore ReALL than what can be imagined.  YourMind ‘ideas’ that relate to Your FiveSenses, such as Your EmotionalSensations, Your Memory, and Most Importantly, Your IntuitiveSenses, are in This CreationBubble Simulator that most ‘believe’ is Life ITSelf.  Creation is Not ALLLIFE and ALL the ‘authorities’ that unaware people look to are self-appointed & self-serving, and are Not interested with What IS ALLNaturALL.  Your IntuitiveSenses IS operating between the Five (5) PersonalBodies & The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, which IS ALLReady with ALLLIFE & REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS!  The Difference between what You Know with YourMind & The RealU IS… You have to Learn to Recogn’IS’e what else ThereIS besides just SelfRestricting Cause&Effect Creation!  Your PersonalMind is a Storehouse of ‘invented calculations’ that You ‘think’ are more real than ALLLife.  You Have Not Been Told that The RealU is Operating Your FiveBodies, one of which is seen as YourPhysical PersonalSelf, and the Other FourBodies are UnSeeen as they relate to the VariousFaculties You Use EveryMoment of YourLife Here.  What You Have Known so far is a ‘created simulated reality’ all its own like CyberSpace, and is Not the same as What ALLLIFEIS.  In other words… what you ‘think’ is Life is Not, and what You Do Not Know or Cannot Consider with Your PersonalMind, ALLReadyIS ALLLIFE!  ALLLIFEIS UNSEEEN by the personally unaware ‘mind relating’ people.  No one can consider What ALLLifeIS with TheirMind, because the MindBody that everyone uses while in Creation can only apply to Creation and Nothing Else.  ALL that is Known in Creation is ‘made-up’ and Not as it seems, no matter what a person ‘believes’ to be truth, faith, hope, or any belief system that is marketed as holy&divine.  This is ALL Created Stuff and Invented From Nothing and will Become Nothing Again!  Those who Learn to SeeeALLL with Their IntuitiveSenses will have The Great Opportunity to Supercede ALL of Cause&Effect Creation, and those who want to Stay TapLined by the ‘invented systems’ will go into the BlackHoles with This PhysicalRealm and Return into other bodies in future lifetimes.  No one can ‘figureout’ What ALLLifeIS no matter how well educated they are, because the educational systems only apply to Restricting DeceptiveKontrol.  With The TruReALLLity ALLLifeIS there are NO Authorities & NO Restrictions & NO Kontrol Ever!  As Each Person Decides TheirLife, they will be living what they have Decided, whether it be conscious or unconscious, Aware or unaware.  UNaware People & Other BodyTypes will continue into more lifetimes no matter what their masters&gurus & religious priests tell them.  Creation is Necessary as part of The RealWakeUP for ALL of US, and then the UnKnown TruReALLLity ALLLifeIS Must Be Recogn’IS’ed for What IT IS, aside from what IT IS ‘thought’ to BE!  With the IntuitiveSenses each person has, they can Learn to Seee&Compare the Difference between CreatedCreation & Their RealAwarenisss.  So, basically… What You Know is Not Real, and What You Do Not Know IS~REALLL!  Here IS the Biggest Challenge of Your Life, and that is to find out WHY You Came Here, and What You are Doing Here, and Where You are Going.  You&YU Came Here to FigureOut YourSelf and then eventually Recogn’IS’e The RealU.  This is WHY You came Here, and it was Not about how to ‘get a job’ and be distracted from The RealU and Your ENDlISSS FREEE AWARENISSS.  TAKE THE RISK & LEARN TO SEEE FOR YOURSELF!  CONTACT: DUANE THE GREAT WRITE*SEEER on SKYPE: DUANE HEPPNER for ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS’ duanethegreatwriter.net




“SMILING*LAUGHING*SINGING C.U.L.T. ~ C.REATIVE U.NUVERSALL L.UVING T.ALENTS.  Each of US has ‘Inherently Something Surprisingly Special~ISSS’ to Share.  Creation is used to Express OurSelves, until a ReALLL Recogn’IS’ion IS SEEEN with WHAT ALLLIFEIS.  Learning to Seee the Difference between Creation and ALLLIFE is a Huge Process that takes millions of lifetimes in many various forms & BodyTypes to Get HereNow.  ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS & ALLLWAYS NUNOW.  Anyone can create References that appear to be something Here, but are only ‘something created’ and Not What ALLLifeIS.  Anyone can play any ‘role’ they like, and an example is… Those who have decided to be the Lords&Gods Ruling over Others to make them slaves to ‘official madeup ideas’ that only Restrict unaware people into more unaware lifetimes of suppression&suffering.   The self-appointed ‘deities’ have invented documents&doctrines for unaware people to ‘believe’ in that are nothing more than ink on paper.  Everything Here is Agreement.  Other Examples are… Business, Politics, Religion, Education & Technology, and anything that is Not ALLNATURALL.  None of these ‘temporary things’ are needed for The RealU, The RealAwarenisss, to BE with ALLLife.  In the meantime… We each have to deal with This PurposelyPoisoned Planet in Creation from those who Kontrol HUmanFarming Here.  INTUITIVE SENSE SINGING SEEERS~ISSS… WE SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient without any ‘authoritarian’ agreement that has No Place with ALLLife!  WE Provide RealReferences to BE FREEE of ALL TapLining from UnSeeen Sources… You know WHO You Are!  And You will Stay TapLined to YourSelf & Others in This DarkRealm, until You Decide to WakeUP & GET REALLL NOW!  It has always been Your Choice to Stay UNaware of Your TruPotential of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS.  WakeUP to ‘YOUR INTUITIVE SENSES’ to SEEEMORRRE than You ever have before!    TAKE THE RISK & LEARN TO SEEE FOR YOURSELF!  CONTACT: DUANE THE GREAT WRITE*SEEER on SKYPE: DUANE HEPPNER for ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS’  www.duanethegreatwriter.net     



We have each come to This Planet Earth to WakeUP thru ALL the Restictions that have been created by OurSelves&Others.  In the meantime, a lot of ‘funny things’ have been created&invented that look to be something.  Everything created relates to something.  For example, the HUmanFarming ShapeShifting Reptilian Alien TapLinerS who Kontrol This World have made unaware people their slaves to be tortured in so many different ways.  These unaware aliens like to be tricky and play tricks while enjoying their entertainment of watching the environment and anything living being destroyed.  They have created the Literalized Schooling Systems to get unaware people to ‘think’ that getting a job will support a person during their lifespan here.  Do the Birds do this?  It is more than obvious what unaware people are Not Seeeing.  IT IS a Huge Challenge to be part of a RealWakeUP and hold to it.  One of the biggest ‘jokers’ the Tricksters have played for eons is the ‘god’ idea, as they ThemSelves have claimed to be the gods that unaware species look to.  They claim to have created Creation and that Creation is Life, which definitely it is Not!  But ignorant unaware people do not know this, so they TapLinePray to unaware BodyTypes like themselves and ‘believe’ there are madeup deities who have created CONvincing doctrines that will save them from what they have done to themselves.  ALL of US, EveryOne in ALL of Creation IS Already a FREEE BEING of REALLIGHT.  WE are ALL the Same, and it is Our FreeWill that makes use appear differently, because of the ‘roles’ WE each chose to play while in Creation.  EveryOne can have whatever they want with ALLLife.  When a person chooses only that which is something on This Earth, then they will continue into more unaware lifetimes, until they want to Become MoreAware and SeeeBeyond what Creation is.  No one ever ‘dies’ as they have been told, as WE each passover into another dimension&level that already exists in Creation.  Those who have RecognISed What ALLLifeIS can go into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS where there are NO Authorities&Gods Ever!  When a person passes over, and many times it is into the AstralWorlds, which they may ‘think’ is their Heavenly Place, they will eventually return somewhere into the MaterialRegions to start with a New BodyForm once again.  Because unaware people have been ‘indoctrinated’ according to the BeliefSystems, they will usually deny the existence of THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS, because they have been told, since birth, that some kind of deity created them according to the invented doctrines from WorldKontrollers.  Only RealRiskTakers will SEEE what others will not.  As a person continues to return to This Planet Earth or Another World somewhere in Creation, they will continue to get more chances to WakeUP ALL The Way!  You Can Decide to Do This Journey Now, or continue to grow old, until You once more Forget You were ever Here!  YOUR CHOICE!  You IS a FREEE BEING of RealLight, and when You take the time to RecognISe this, then You will Learn to Seee for YourSelf how Restricting ALL of Creation actually is!   In the meantime… We each have to deal with This PurposelyPoisoned Planet in Creation from those who Kontrol HUmanFarming Here.  INTUITIVE SENSE SINGING SEEERS~ISSS… WE SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient without any ‘authoritarian’ agreement that has No Place with ALLLife!  WE Provide RealReferences to BE FREEE of ALL TapLining from UnSeeen Sources… You know WHO You Are!  And You will Stay TapLined to YourSelf & Others in This DarkRealm, until You Decide to WakeUP & GET REALLL NOW!  It has always been Your Choice to Stay UNaware of Your TruPotential of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS.  WakeUP to ‘YOUR INTUITIVE SENSES’ to SEEEMORRRE than You ever have before!    TAKE THE RISK & LEARN TO SEEE FOR YOURSELF!  CONTACT: DUANE THE GREAT WRITE*SEEER on SKYPE: DUANE HEPPNER for ‘INTUITIVE SENSES SURVIVAL SESSIONS’  www.duanethegreatwriter.net      




As we have each gone thru some kind of schooling at an early age, we want to belong and be accepted and, To Be Liked.  For Our PersonalSelf, it is important to Be Liked in some way, as it can become a heartache otherwise.  Some people carry the ‘Want to Be Liked’ attitude thru their whole life and sometimes never finding what they want, and so, they will carry the same attitudes into Future Lifetimes.  As DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS Honorably&SunSeeerly Sharing Something Wonderful and FarMorrre than Wanting to Be Liked, at the same time, there are many who are not interested, and also do not like what DUANE IS Sharing as a RealBenefit for ALL.  This is how it is Here in This CreationBubble of CreatedSimulation.  With ALLLife, it is not a matter of Being liked, as IT IS MorrreSo The TruReALLLity of BEINGFREEE with THE ENDLISSS FREEENISSS ALLLIFEIS.  Only when a person can Recogn’IS’e What ALLLifeIS will they SEEEBeyond what they have come to know in Creation and ALL the Restrictions involved.  No matter what others like or do not like with what DUANE IS Sharing, DUANE Continues to Share Something Wonderful like the ShiningSun Every NUMoment!  It does take a lot to get thru the emotional&mental attitudes we have taken on that do not equal Something Bettter to SEEE&BE.  The idea here is to Do What You Do and Let Others Do What They Do.  As Each Person Focuses on What IS ALLNaturALL, they will begin to SEEEMorrre than what has been created that is harmful to What Supports ALL of US Here on This Planet Earth.  What Really MakseSense?  Supporting What IS ALLNaturALL and Seeeing Each Person as The TruBEing of ReALLLight They IS!  We IS ALL Going Thru the Process of Creation to become MoreAware & SelfSufficient with ALLLife.  UNaware People & Other BodyTypes Need The RealKnowledge of The ReALLL UNUversisss to Succeed Beyond This Cause&Effect creationBubble of Reincarnation & KarmicDebts.  RealGuidance and a RealEducation IS Available Now for ALL!  ALLLIFEIS Not about any created system such as, politics, religion, spiritual, science, education, technology, as these and others are KontrolDevices with Authorities, here and in outer space somewhere.  ALLLIFEIS an ENDLISSS FREEENISSS with NO SELF-APPOINTED AUTHORITIES EVER!  Each person decides how long they will live in This CreationBubble, as ALLLife has nothing to do with, hope, belief, faith, truth, or whatever the Many UNaware PersonMinds in Creation decide to create for themselves.  The CreatedConsciousness on This World has become a KONtrolled MindGame that the unaware Agree to Play.  DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS Sharing How to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient with Your INTUITIVE SENSES and to Learn to SEEE for Yourself what is actually taking place Here and with ALL of Creation, and into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS… YOU DECIDE YOUR LIFE!  Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype for ‘INTUITIVE SEEEING SURVIVAL SESSIONS’  www.duanethegreatwriter.net




“ALL of US Come & Go From Here and Other Places in Creation Many Times Over, until WE IS Ready to WakeUP ALL The Way with The TruReALLLity ALLLifeIS  The RealU does not die, as it is the Body that Dies, and The RealU goes on into more experiences that are unseeen from This PhysicalRealm, until once again returns to Form a NewBody.  ALL of US have been Told Many Rumors&Stories as We have come to See&Recognize where We are at Here.  For the most part, the ‘stories&rumors’ have been invented by those who like to Kontrol Others.  It does take many Lifetimes to Really WakeUP to what is Actually Taking Place in Cause&Effect Creation.  Those who Kontrol Others have invented the MindFramed ProgrammingSystems of… politics, religion, spiritual, science, technology, education & business, that ‘look good’ to the personally unaware people and ‘seem’ to be doing something and helping, but only to a certain point, and then once again, each person makes the Transition into Another Dimension.  These are TapLiningSystems, as the TapLining is UnSeeen by unaware people.  Most unaware people have not prepared themselves for the NextStep from this place and they end up in the Other Realms&Dimensions and do not know where they are or what to do as they get there.  This is because of the ‘indoctrinating’ ProgrammingSystems and how they have setup unaware people to be UNconsciously KONtrolled and misused for More UNaware Lifetimes of Struggling&Suffering!  This unawareness takes place throughout ALL of Creation and even the so-called Heavens of Man, which are merely other Limited Areas of CreatedConsciousness in This CreationBubble.  The ShapeShifting Deceptors invented&created all the ‘holy documents’ that unaware people worship&pray to and the invented ‘deities’ unaware people ‘think’ created Creation.  The UNrecognized ‘ideas&images’ of AbsoluteKontrol are right in front of Everyone Here, and WHO Can Seee This?  As an example, the image of the ‘cross’ that religions use as a so-called holy symbol, is actually setup as Agreement to unaware people to be Astrally TapLined and think that this Symbol of Death is something other than what it is actually implying unconsciously to unaware people and other body-types.  The WorldKontrollers want unaware people to ‘programmingly think’ that a person is dead, just because their created body dies, and The RealU, The RealAwarenisss, is not mentioned, as The RealU cannot die or be hurt in any way.  UNaware People are Not Told this, and therefore, they will continue to Collect KarmicDebt into More Future Lifetimes.  ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS & NOW.  Anyone can Communicate with those they knew while they were on Earth that have made the Transition to Other Dimensions.  This is done by many people and is not accepted by most of the unaware masses, and especially religious people, as they have been blinded into ‘thinking’ that it is not possible.  It Certainly IS Possible and Anyone Can Do This!  Of course, the WorldKontrollers, who promote Deceptive-Images to unaware people have not informed the masses of what is actually taking place in This CreationBubble.  AnyOne Can Learn to SeeeBeyond the distractions&deceptions that has ‘infected’ the existing consciousness of unaware people on This Planet Earth.  This is a HUmanFarming Planet that is used to ‘breed’ the unaware inhabitants. DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS Providing ‘INTUITIVE SEEEING SURVIVAL SESSIONS for those who want to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient.Now!  LEARN to SEEE for YOURSELF WHAT IS REALNOW!  Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype and Make a Friend Request.  www.duanethegreatwriter.net


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