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  • God’s Paradox: The Unliftable Stone And The All-Knowing Creator

God’s Paradox: The Unliftable Stone And The All-Knowing Creator

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If God exists, can He make something He cannot lift? If God is all powerful, He can lift anything, yet if He is all knowing He can make something He cannot lift. The answer to this paradox is in my manuscript and is the most beautiful truth you'll ever read. 

Awakening is not accomplished through the death of the body. Our Soul is eternal and cannot die. Therefore, if our Soul is not awakened at the point in time when we drop the physical body, it will simply create another body in which to continue its journey to awakening. Yet one thing is certain, as promised by God. We will awaken to the Truth that we are exactly as God created us. What I'm experiencing now is being awake within the dream. Soon, I will awaken from the dream. If you'd like to understand the logic and meaning of these words, please continue.

The term Christ holds a profound and transformative meaning.  It represents our true identity beyond the limitations of the ego and the physical body. In other words, we are not human beings, we are all Christ Beings. Jesus's last name is not Christ, it's Jesus of Nazareth, a man who perfectly and completely understood he was one with Christ. So are you, so am I and so is everyone. Forever.  This writing is an explanation of two manuscripts I have studied daily and written about for fifteen years. 

 A Course In Miracles (ACIM-1333 pages) by Helen Schucman is in my opinion the most profound and truthful spiritual manuscript ever written. Christians are looking for the return of Jesus, he has returned via the writings in this magnificent document. Dr. Helen Schucman began receiving the material for The Course quietly over eight years, from 1965 to 1973 at the age of 43. During this time, she was an associate professor of psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons and the assistant to the head of the Department of Psychology at Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. Schucman said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of "inner dictation" from Jesus. At first, insanity crossed her mind. She asked this voice some very difficult questions, all answered correctly.  A Course in Miracles is a self-study spiritual curriculum that presents a way of life based on contact with the Holy Spirit or internal Teacher. It combines Christian terminology with Eastern mysticism, perennial philosophy, and modern psychological insights. The Course explains what the Bible truly means. 

The Disappearance Of The Universe was written by Gary R. Renard. It is a record of 17 mind-bending conversations that took place over nearly a decade between Gary and two Ascended Masters who materialized before him in 1992. They revealed some shocking secrets of existence that taught the miraculous powers of advanced forgiveness. He was in his Maine home during Christmas week. He's learning the stock trade and a professional guitar musician. His wife, Karen, was at work, they have no children. He's sitting in his living room, looking out the picture window, two people suddenly appeared and were sitting on the couch. Male and female, Arten and Pursah. This is how the book starts. When I first read this, I thought, "Yeah, right, this has to be fiction." It's non-fiction. What's most impressive is that this book stays true to the hard-core metaphysics of The Course. If interested, I highly recommend reading Gary's writings first. Bob



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