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  • Astronomy For Teenagers

Astronomy For Teenagers

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I wrote this book because during my studies of Astronomy at U.C. Berkeley (earning an Sc.D. in the field), most of what was taught involved the discoveries of historical Astronomers; nothing about their private lives. Consequently, you’ll learn about the scientists and their backgrounds. The scientists in this book are only a few of the numerous who have made monumental contributions to the fields of astronomy, physics, cosmology, astrophysics, and so on. 

My hope is that after reading the personal stories of these scientists, you will gain a burning desire to discover more about the countless other scientists and their contributions to the aforementioned fields. 

Perhaps, you will be the next great contributor to these fields, or at least, you’ll look up to the night sky and say what I said as a child: 

“I wonder what else is up there that I cannot see?"


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