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  • Two Sisters & The Four Leaf Clover

Two Sisters & The Four Leaf Clover

Two Sisters & The Four Leaf Clover

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I found my lucky four-leaf clover, not expecting what would happen next.

In a small midwestern town in the era of the Great Depression and World War II, two sisters are growing up after the death of their mother.

At age sixteen, both married to escape their unhappy home life. Unfortunately, they escaped nothing. Their paths, at times, dangerously affected not only their lives but also the lives of their children, who were growing up in another turbulent time in history, the '60s.

But close to home and in the lives of both families, you could hear a loud crying out at night. Is God real? If God is real, why is this happening? Mother, why are you letting this happen? Please, someone, help us!

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